Funny Farmer Brings Laughter to the Wigtown Book Festival

From Brexit and the Women’s Rural to a Fifer’s version of Star Wars, standup Jim Smith reveals the bizarre realities of country life in Scotland

Perthshire farmer and standup comedian Jim Smith will lift the lid on how Scottish rural folk really see the world at the Wigtown Book Festival.

The 39-year-old spends his weekdays farming 300 acres of mixed arable and livestock near Blairgowrie, but on Friday and Saturday nights he’s more likely to be found on stage at clubs in Edinburgh or Glasgow.

His act explores the realities of how country people see the world – from Brexit to the price of scones. Jim also puts right those misguided people who believe that it’s landowners and farmers who run the countryside, when it’s the Women’s Rural who actually hold the whiphand.

“It may be farmers who grow the world’s food,” he says, “but none of them can cook any of it. And that’s where the Women’s Rural come in – they have control of what we eat.”

Other favourite themes include the difference between what we see on Countryfile and what happens in real life and the challenges of finding a girlfriend when you live on a farm (and the perils of internet dating).

Jim’s own comedy career began as an active member of the Young Farmers when he wrote the scripts for the annual pantos which were staged at the Birnam Arts Centre near Dunkeld.

“I liked writing the sketches and I loved being on stage, it gave me a bit of a buzz,” he said.

Later, after encouragement from friends, he took plucked up the courage to apply for beginner’s sessions at The Stand Comedy Club in Glasgow.

He gradually got established on the circuit, often opening for other acts, and then developed his own hour-long shows. Two years ago he had a sell-out run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and reached the finals of the hugely influential So You Think You’re Funny competition.

“Edinburgh’s full of all sorts of unusual folk during the Fringe, but I think people were pretty surprised when they saw all these Scottish farmers in check shirts piling in and out of my venue for the show,” says Jim.

He is now in increasing demand and is an eagerly anticipated performer at the Wigtown Book Festival where he promises a show full of rural humour – including lots of observational stories about country people in different parts of Scotland.

One example, a Fife welder explaining the story of Star Wars, went viral after being recorded for Radio 4 (

Despite his success Jim doesn’t anticipate changing career and giving up the farm his family has run for three generations.

“Maybe if I didn’t love the job so much, but if I’m away from the farm for more than two or three days I get withdrawl symptoms,” he says.

Jim’s show is part of a programme of entertainment at the festival, which includes everything from music to fireworks and film.

Adrian Turpin, Wigtown Book Festival Artistic director, added: “This year the festival is going beyond the page and it’s great to be adding live comedy into the mix.
“Jim was a big hit at the Fringe, where his brilliant insights into Scottish country life went down a storm. He is now in demand all round the country, so we’re really pleased to be bringing him to Wigtown.”

Listings details:

  • Jim Smith
  • The Standup Farmer
  • Tuesday 26 September
  • 30pm
  • County Buildings, Main Hall
  • Tickets £7

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