Kirkcudbright Primary School Pupil’s To Perfrom ‘Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat’

Kirkcudbright Primary School proudly present Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat as their summer show next month. The full length, musical production, complete with a spectacular technicoloured coat and Joseph’s Golden Chariot will be performed in the Primary School’s hall from 7th – 10th June 2016.

Children from Primaries 5/6, 6/7 and 7 have been working hard on the production since Christmas and are very excited to showcase their work. All proceeds raised will go to school funds.

Performance dates/times

Tuesday 7th June at 2pm
Wednesday 8th June at 7pm
Thursday 9th June at 7pm
Friday 10th June at 7pm

Tickets are available from the school office (telephone: 01557 332610) and are priced at £3 for concessions and £4 for adults.

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