Premiere Of Five Beautiful Short Films From Threave Nature Reserve

Threave Nature Reserve, near Castle Douglas, is hosting the ambitious and innovative 100-year long Threave Landscape Restoration project. Award-winning filmmaker John Wallace has been tasked with the job of capturing the start of the project and five high quality, short films have been produced. These will be used as a learning resource in local schools but before that, this event, hosted by the Galloway Glens Scheme and National Trust for Scotland, will let these films be premiered in the Stewartry.


Join us for an event featuring the five films with the titles: Grasslands, Water, Trees, People and Biodiversity. The films are all less than ten minutes in length and the event will include comment from project partners and John himself on what drove the film making process. The evening promises to be a real visual treat, also giving a unique angle on the Threave Landscape Restoration Project now underway.


Book your free ticket here:


John Wallace, leading on the production of the films, said:

“For me, the last three years at Threave have been a real eye-opener to what nature can do if we take the pressure off how we use the land. It doesn’t take a filmmaker with a fancy camera to see what’s happening either. As soon as you come up the drive you can see you’re in a very different kind of environment than what we’re used to in the working countryside. Huge congratulations to NTS, Galloway Glens and everyone involved for making it happen, and huge thanks for the opportunity to make these five educational films. They only give a flavour of what’s going on, the processes involved, and what it’s like to be there, but if they can help get the next generation excited about how to make space for nature to thrive in, that’s sure to be a good thing all round.”



David Thompson, Head Ranger at Threave Estate, said:

“One of the fundamental core elements of the Threave Landscape Restoration Project is ‘learning’. All who have been involved, and still involved with the project are bringing and taking away some form of learning, be it from taking part in a guided walk, visiting as a student (of all ages), working on the project, or quite simply being within the landscape. Learning comes in many different forms, verbally, visually, listening, and by being inspired to know more. Every day is a school day. The five films inspired by the project are a fantastic tool for learning, taking the project directly into schools to use as a foundation for young people to develop a love for nature and a passion to take care of the environment surrounding them. A gateway into conservation and becoming custodians of the land.”

The films were funded in partnership between National Trust for Scotland and by the Galloway Glens Scheme, using funds from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Jan Hogarth, Galloway Glens Education & Community Engagement Officer, added:

“John Wallace is a gifted filmmaker with a deep connection with nature. He captures those magic moments in the natural world when we are still enough to observe the diversity and interconnectedness of life at Threave. As the landscape restores and flourishes, its waters, grasslands, and woodlands welcome back more wildlife, flora and fauna. The 5 films John has produced are moving, inspiring and informative, helping us remember we are part of the natural world and inspiring a love for it among young people. It has been a real pleasure to work with head ranger, David Thomson and NTS rangers, Phil Dowling and Mary Smith to support the creation of these beautiful films with associated learning materials. Carys Mainprize from the Crichton Carbon Centre has also worked with us on developing the classroom science learning materials, we hope the films and the learning materials will inspire visits to the Threave Reserve where people cans experience firsthand the excellent restoration work that is taking place there and that the material will be embedded into classrooms outside learning areas across Scotland’s primary and secondary schools.”


For more information about the Threave Landscape Restoration project, visit:

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