The Mostly Ghostly crew comes to Galloway with an evening of Haunting Tales

The next event in the ‘Hidden Culture’ programme is a partnership with the Mostly Ghostly crew, looking into haunting tales from Galloway’s past. The event is free and being delivered in ‘hybrid’ format, so attendees can either dial in from home or attend the Balmaclellan Smiddy in person!

Hybrid Event, attend online or in person, 7.30pm, 30th March.

The ‘Can You Dig It’ community archaeology project is getting under the skin of the history of the Ken/Dee valley and is trying to take as many people as it can on this journey. The next event in the ‘Hidden Culture’ programme of events tries to explore the line between myth and lore, and the use of stories to project power. From eerie encounters at an historic mansion house to the dark days of the witch trials, Galloway’s past includes some haunting aspects which are often overlooked in modern science-led investigations of our past.


The event will be delivered jointly by Mostly Ghostly and the Can You Dig It team, running from 7.30pm to 9pm on 30th of March.

Attendees are welcomed either in person (at the Balmaclellan Smiddy) or online. To book your free place, visit here


Kathleen Cronie from Mostly Ghostly, said:

“We’re thrilled to be working with our friends at The Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership and Can You Dig It Community Archaeology Project, to present an intriguing talk, exploring the hidden history and haunting tales of the Galloway Glens. We look forward to sharing a collection of lesser-known curios, entwined with more famous accounts, celebrating the area’s rich heritage and of course, Scotland’s Year of Stories.”


The Can you Dig It project is part of the Galloway Glens Scheme. Jan Hogarth, the Galloway Glens Education & Community Engagement Officer, said:


“We are looking forward to a spooky event imagining and uncovering some of the dark tales from the past with our excellent storytellers from Mostly Ghostly. We will also be considering what ghosts are and where they might come from. Traumatic moments from the past or figments of our active imaginations?”


Image by Allan Devlin

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