It’s the movie that everyone is talking about , and everyone who can remember the hype in the mid 70’s is getting extra excited about.  ‘Star Wars’ is back, with most of its original cast in tact and amazing special effects. DGWGO’s Ali Donowho went along to Dumfries Odeon at 12.00am today to see the first Screening , and to see if the movie lived up to expectations.


Ali Said “There’s not many things these days that can get me to leave a nice warm comfy house at half past eleven at night on a damp December Wednesday night but Star Wars the Force Awakenings was one.
The midnight showing on day of release was a temptation too far. No spoilers here but allow me to say, go see it, rush in your droves, take children and introduce them to the next step in generation Jedi.
This is a Star Wars film very much unlike the prequels of episodes I, II and III. This is 165 mins of nostalgia, witty one liners and action worthy of the original trilogy.”

1 a 1 a  Ali The Who ReviewUse The Force Folks! Merry Christmas.
Roll on December 2016 for the next one.

Use The Force Folks! Merry Christmas.

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Written for DGWGO by Ali Donowho

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