Ukrainian British Film Is To Be Screened At The Robert Burns Film Theatre

BRANDED ЗАТАВРОВАНА is a Ukrainian British narrative feature film – with the voices of Kateryna Polishchuk (Ptashka of Azovstal) and Nazar Grabar. Both are Ukrainian war heroes.

A Ukrainian film with English subtitles.
A Ukrainian British Production Україно – британське виробництво

‘BRANDED’ ЗАТАВРОВАНА, a narrative drama, written by Pauline Amos as an expression of support for artists who are censored, imprisoned, or killed by repressive regimes.
‘BRANDED’ ЗАТАВРОВАНА has been adapted and synchronised with the Ukrainian war, re-named, and developed into the film, ‘BRANDED’ ЗАТАВРОВАНА, with the Ukrainian voices of Kateryna Polishchuk Катерина Поліщук here and Nazar Grabar Назар Грабар here. Kateryna and Nazar are soldiers in the Ukrainian army.

‘BRANDED’ ЗАТАВРОВАНА is a woman’s defiance, in the face of atrocity, to uphold Art and Freedom. The film has a powerful message that resonates in Ukraine and around the world. WE FIGHT FOR FREEDOM ART IS OUR VOICE

‘BRANDED’ ЗАТАВРОВАНА is a statement and reminder that repressive regimes will attempt to snuff out the culture and Art of the invaded country, to eradicate the voice of the land, and oust the free people.

This is a charity event for Ukrainian charities associated with the film, the film will be shown at Friday 19th April – 7pm at the RBC Film Theatre, Dumfries