Potato Day fundraiser to be held for Food Train

DUMFRIES and Galloway charity Food Train is holding a fundraising event in partnership with George and Mary Pattison of Whithorn.

The local charity will hold a Potato Day fundraiser in County Buildings Wigtown on Saturday 25 January from 11 am – 2 pm.

Food Train Development Officer Karen Barbour said: “We are very grateful to George and Mary Pattison who have given us this great opportunity to raise awareness of Food Train. The fundraiser will be the sale of potatoes, onions, and other produce as well as a café with soup and home baking and a raffle.
Food Train has been supporting older people in Wigtownshire for 17 years. The core activity is still our grocery service, but the scope has extended to include befriending, health improvement, home support, meal share, and advice/signposting for other services.
We have a fantastic team of volunteers, without whom none of our services would be possible but need more volunteers to join our amazing team. Please come along on the day to support the event or find out how you can volunteer with Food Train.  

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