
Best Selling Crime Writer To Give Talk In Gelston Village Hall

Best-selling crime novelist John Dean is to give a talk at the Village Hall in Gelston near Castle Douglas in June.

John, whose books regularly feature in the best-selling charts on Amazon, is the creator of the DCI John Blizzard and DCI Jack Harris series.

The writer, who has had 16 novels published and is currently with The Book Folks of London, will talk about where his ideas come from at the village hall from 7pm on Wednesday June 6. Entrance is £3, paid on the door.

John, who moved into the Castle Douglas area late last year with his family, will deliver a talk entitled A Scream in The Night.

He said: “Crime fiction is a hugely popular genre and I plan to talk about the inspiration for my novels. Anything, whether it be a chance comment, an article in a newspaper or an atmospheric building, can spark a train of thought that leads to a story. My talk will reveal the story behind some of my novels.”

More information can be obtained by emailing [email protected]