Thornhill author Sara Bain and Dumfries ghosthunter Kathleen Cronie have teamed up to present a spooktacular ghost talk in Kirkcudbright Library for Book Week Scotland.
1 a 1 a sara ghostSara’s second novel, The Ghost Tree, was launched last month. It is a contemporary paranormal thriller set in Auchencairn, Kirkcudbright, Castle Douglas and Dumfries.
The story is based on the well-known local legend of the Rerrick Parish Poltergeist, a noisy spirit that plagued a stonemason and his family for a number of months in 1696.
The event was the first, and amongst the very few, in history to be officially recorded. The gruelling exorcism took two weeks to eventually banish the spirit and bring peace back to the steading.
Better known as the spokesperson for her ghost hunting team, Mostly Ghostly, and regular columnist for DG Life, Kathleen is looking for tales of the supernatural from the area for a book she is writing on local haunts.
She will be there to talk about her work and will be encouraging the audience to tell their tales.
The event takes place at Kirkcudbright Library at 7pm on Thursday, 26 November.
Book Week Scotland runs from Monday 23 to Sunday 29 November and events are taking place at venues across the region all week.
Sara will also be appearing at Waterstone’s in Dumfries with Ayrshire crime writer Michael Malone for a meet the authors event on Tuesday, 24 November, at 6pm.
Both events are free and everyone is welcome1 a 1 a sara ghost 2

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