Rolf Buwert will launch his latest book publication ‘Haggis Hunting, a short history’, at Houston’s the butchers, Greenbrae Loaning, Dumfries at 10 am – 2pm on Friday, 1st April.

Rolf, who was born in Dumfries, and served as a police officer for 30 years in the region, before becoming a craft worker and children’s storyteller, has a great love for all things Scottish, from the beautiful countryside, through the turbulent history, to the abundant art culture and literature of more recent timed. Robert Burns elevated the status of Haggis through his poetry and therefore Rolf felt it appropriate that he follow in the footsteps of not only Burns, but also the TV personalities The Hairy Bikers, and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, and visit Stuart Houston’s butcher’s shop where the finest haggis in the country is produced.
Haggis Hunting, a short history, briefly outlines the three distinct species of haggis, how they are hunted, their contribution to the Scottish textile industry and how haggis changed the face of America. It is a light hearted look at the haggis hunting classes with their clearly defined roles in the hunt for this elusive creature. The story has been told many times by Rolf to visitors to Drumlanrig Castle when Rolf had a craft shop, and workshop, there. It has been refined and told until visitors, and sometimes Rolf himself, have believed in the creatures existence. Rolf spent 5 years at Drumlanrig Castle taking groups for storytelling walks through the gardens and forests. His previous publication was Beatrix the Bad Fairy, and he has plans to publish the sequel Mortimer the Troll (and possibly also Trevor the Retired Racing Troll).

Shalla Gray

Beautifully illustrated by Shalla Gray, who wrote and illustrated Charlotte’s Woolly Yarn, Big Bill the Beltie Bull and The Galloway Chilli, Shalla has also illustrated Big Bill’s Beltie Bairns – by Jayne Baldwin, and The Quite Big Rock and Sammy the Rainbow Snail – by Alan Grant

Haggis Hunting will be available on the launch day direct from Rolf, and a list of outlets can be obtained by emailing him at [email protected]

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