Enjoy Aspects of Historic Cooking’ at Ellisland Farm This Weekend

Ellisland Farm was the home of Scotland’s national bard Robert Burns and his wife Jean Armour.  Visitors today can still come and see the family’s original kitchen in which Jean and her cousin Elizabeth prepared the household’s meals.

Through Jean we know some of Robert’s plain tastes in foods and we also know that she owned a copy of the book The Art of Cookery by Hannah Glasse, which included a recipe to make ‘a Curry the Indian way’ using turmeric, ginger and pepper.  The recipe book is now displayed at Burns’ House in Dumfries along with a nutmeg grater belonging to the family.  When Robert introduced cows to the farm, Jean also made butter and cheese.

Ginger and Cream: Aspects of Historic Cooking’ at Ellisland Farm, Saturday 22 June, 10am-1pm, 2-4pm

This special event uses the world of spices and dairy stuffs, to explore historic cooking equipment and recipes.  Displayed in the kitchen will be examples of cooking equipment through the ages with an opportunity for you to have a go at making and patting butter and a hippocras spice bag.

Curator and Food Historian Sue Hughes comments;

“We love showing people around Robert Burns’ farmhouse and we are looking forward to sharing the sights, smells and sounds Jean Armour would have been familiar with when she ran the household, such as making butter or grating nutmeg into her toddy.”

This is a free activity with paid admission to the museum.

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