Dumfries & Galloway Distillery Sanitiser Effort Praised

A RURAL distillery team have been publicly thanked for their efforts in producing large quantities of hand sanitiser during the Covid emergency.

The family business behind premium brands Oro Gin, Oro Rum and a selection of cocktails has devoted long hours to the task since the pandemic began.

Dumfriesshire MP David Mundell and constituency MSP Oliver Mundell have visited Dalton Distillery to meet Raymond Clynick, senior, a founding partner in the award-winning spirits producer and visitor attraction.

Both parliamentarians praised the Clynick family and their staff for producing sanitiser, made to a World Health Organisation formula, with supplies being distributed locally and nationally, including to the NHS and care sectors.

David said: “The distillery team have a great deal of expertise and experience which has been put to good use. They have done a remarkable job.”

Oliver added: “I was pleased to have the opportunity of thanking everyone at Oro for their efforts. I know their work, and that of all the local firms and organisations helping during the health crisis, is greatly appreciated by my constituents.”