
Food for Thought

Dumfries and Galloway Council’s school meals service continues to be innovative as it strives to increase the number of meals eaten and raise awareness of healthy food options.

The school meals service has delivered an exciting range of innovations over the last 18 months, including:
• Online payments
• Naturally D&G branding
• Queen’s birthday celebrations
• Local provenance cartoon
• New equipment
• Provenance development chef
• Menu review

The Council’s school meals service has also been shortlisted for national awards:
• ASSIST innovation award – The team working on the provenance branding was shortlisted for the Association of Service Solutions (ASSIST) Scotland 2016. The entry related to innovative marketing of school meals in primary and secondary schools, including healthy eating messages.
• APSE Award ¬– Dumfries and Galloway Council’s school meals service reached the final of the Association of Public Service of Excellence (APSE) service awards 2016.They recognise the quality of services delivered to local communities by councils. The Dumfries and Galloway entry was based on the local provenance brand, Naturally D&G, which is central to the commercial strategy and initiatives to increase uptake.

Councillor Jeff Leaver, chairman of the CYPLL committee, said: “Providing the best start for all our children and being inclusive are priorities for our Council. So, offering nutritious and healthy meals to every pupil contributes towards learning. Our promotional initiatives also play a vital role in raising health awareness and teaching our pupils how to make better choices and live healthier lives. I’d like to thank all of the staff who work so hard developing, producing and delivering such an excellent range of meals to youngsters across our region.”

See the whole report (agenda item 4) at:

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