Letter Sent To Primary Schools Highlighting Scottish Sustainable Food Production

QMS has teamed up with The Royal Highland Education Trust (RHT) and the Royal Northern Countryside Initiative (RNCI) to write a letter to all primary schools highlighting the assistance they can offer in providing education around sustainable food production.

The letter stated –

Dear Teacher,
Sustainability and climate change remain at the heart of education following the conclusion of COP26. We appreciate however, that for those unfamiliar with teaching sustainability-based curriculum content, this can be a daunting task.

We are writing to make you aware of the assistance that food education partners such as the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET), the Royal Northern Countryside Initiative (RNCI) and Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) can offer you and your school, to support education around sustainable food production.

The main objective of agriculture in Scotland is to produce food, however, farmers are working to do this in more sustainable and environmentally friendly ways, whilst acknowledging that much more still needs to be done to reach the government’s targets.

This year is RHET’s “Year of Beef”. Alongside RNCI & QMS, we have produced free year-long educational resource – based on the Curriculum for Excellence – covering everything from the cow and calf story to the types of technology used on farms. Please see the flyer enclosed for more details: www.rhet.org.uk/what-we-do/year-of-beef

QMS has also developed Farming Foodsteps, a free interactive online teaching resource. Geared towards 2nd and 3rd level pupils, much of the content can easily be adapted to suit other levels. It includes “Mission Sustain”, a fantastic interactive game that looks at sustainability from a farmer’s perspective, encouraging players to face challenges and
make decisions that will impact environmental, economic and social sustainability. You can find Farming Foodsteps at: www.qmscotland.co.uk/FarmingFoodsteps

The Food and Farming education work delivered in Scotland is supported by the National Farmers Union Scotland, many of whose members support RHET, RNCI and QMS. We would love to work with teachers to develop appropriate resources for Scottish food production and climate change to run in Scottish Schools, and we can offer tailored education sessions by means of local RHET/RNCI Coordinators and QMS representatives. Perhaps you’re a Learning for Sustainability Champion and would like to help advise us on what you need most?

Between our organisations we can support you in many different ways, from tailored resources, farm visits, classroom talks, videos, teacher training to educational games and more. Visit the web links below or get in touch with us for
more information. Today’s young people are inspirational in their efforts to combat climate change, and they are looking to educators to provide information to allow them to make informed choices to help them to enjoy a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. We hope we can help just a little.

Yours faithfully
Katrina Barclay
RHET Executive Officer

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