Newton Stewart Distillery Is Best In Scotland

The Scottish Gin Awards 2020 ultimate award, Scottish Gin Distillery of the Year, was presented to Crafty Distillery in Newton Stewart, Dumfries and Galloway, following a year in which it had achieved international growth while maintaining its locally crafted, high quality product values.   

The team behind Hills & Harbour Gin were praised for achieving a perfect balance between provenance, sustainability, sales growth, and product quality.  Judges commended evidence that it had extended its reach across the UK and globally with a series of new and extended distribution deals.


A Spokesperson from the Crafty Distillery told DGWGO Food and Drink “We are Delighted to announce that we are the very proud owners of the ‘Scottish Gin Distillery of the Year’ award 2020, from the @scotginawards.

A massive thank you to all our amazing customers and to our Crafty team for helping make this a reality!

Since opening our doors in June 2017, we have been dedicated to going the extra mile to deliver spirits that honour the promise of ‘craft’. Just as our Scotch Malt Whisky industry is the envy of the world, it’s crucial for us to craft other spirits that deliver on this high expectation of Scottish quality.

Looking ahead we couldn’t be more excited about the new developments we are working on, and look forward to sharing our crafty plans with you soon!

If you’ve not yet tried our heavily awarded Hills & Harbour Gin, our ‘world’s first’ Smokey & Citrus Distilled Cocktail or our 100% local Galloway Gin & Galloway Vodka Limited Editions (or you just need a restock) we’re still offering FREE UK delivery on our website. Check our the link

#scottishgindistilleryoftheyear #craftydistillery #madetasty #hillsandharbourgin #doublegold #gallowaygin2020 #smokeyandcitrusdistilledcocktail #visitgalloway

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