Top Award for Isle of Whithorn Brewery – Five Kingdoms

Scotland’s most southerly brewery, Five Kingdoms of Isle of Whithorn have been announced the winners of Scotland and Northern Ireland Campaign for Real Ale Champion Beer Competition 2023, in the Mild category for their McGregors Mild.

Five Kingdoms were delighted to receive the award, a delighted Managing Director Alistair Scoular announced, ”It helps make all the hard work worthwhile and we really appreciate all the support”

They have been fortunate to also be shortlisted for several awards at the Scottish Beer Awards and the Great Taste Awards

When asked about future plans, Alistair said “ he is delighted with the growth of the business, expanding into other outlets in Dumfries and Galloway and Ayrshire, with bottle cans and cask ales, and have now completed rebranding the range with a bold, fresh modern new look designed by our new full time employee, Ailsa, who looks after all of our social media, design and sales in house. Our continued expansion has also allowed us to take on Sara as our finance manager to ensure we continue to grow efficiently. We remain committed to expanding by keeping everything possible in house as a local employer. We have started to plan our long term goal of building a bespoke new brewery close to the village incorporating a tap room and visitor centre alongside increased capacity. Central to our plan is to design the new brewery to be carbon efficient and use renewable energy sources. We have received assistance from South of Scotland Enterprise, Scotland Food and Drink and Heriot Watt University and look forward to working with them in further developing our plans”

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