Today April the 1st 2014 see’s the launch of Zoe Bestels new album, #SirLucasAndTheMoon

which has been available on Pre- order for a few weeks now ! you can order your copy by visiting http://zoebestel.co.uk


I was sent a copy of the album from Zoe last week as a gift, and i have had it playing in the car all week , I’m not going to do an official review , because I feel I’m maybe not qualified to do so , But i will tell you my honest feelings about the album !

It’s Magical from beginning to end , I’m not sure if knowing the singer makes an album mean more , rather than it just being some cd off the shelf , but over the last couple of years i have got to know Zoe’s family and watched her grow into a real star ! The opening song on the Cd is Titled ‘Listen’ and thats exactly what you do , with goosebumps and tingles  up and down your spine , Zoe has a really unique Voice and style , but you can hear wee hints of Groups and stars like Katie Melua , Clannad and even Bjork in there too ( Hope thats ok Zoe 🙂 )


My favourite Track on the album has to be the wonderful ‘Winter Song Reprise ‘ It is exactly the kind of track you could imagine being used on a Scottish Movie , it takes you straight to the misty mountains and lochs of Galloway , and makes you think of films such as Braveheart and Rob  Roy . Its the perfect Chill out Album to listen to , if you want to close your eyes and Dream of Home ! And Zoe deserves to do brilliantly , a really Original and One off young lady , that the whole of D&G should support and be proud of !


You can Follow Zoe on her facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/zoe.bestel?fref=ts


Article written by R.B




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