Great Turn Out For Dumfries Accordion & Fiddle Club At Crichton Golf Club

Another large crowd were in attendance at this weeks meeting of the Dumfries Accordion and Fiddle Club held at the Crichton Golf Club in Dumfries, where the guest artiste was the ever popular and very versatile Tayside accordionist, Johnny Duncan along with drummer Keith Lauder of Langholm.

In an exciting musical programme enjoyed by all Johnny enthralled the audience with traditional marches, reels and jigs, sambas, rhumbas, modern and Scottish waltzes and much more in the varied performance.
Great accordion playing, ably backed by Keith on drums.
The smiles on the faces of the crowd, spoke volumes!
More was the cry as compere John Caskie brought the evening to a close

Before Johnny and Keith’s performances, local, visiting and supporting players were also in fine form, all musicians were backed by pianist Willie McRobert (Moffat) , with drumming duties shared between Ian McRobert (Beattock) and Billy Porter(Gretna)
Accordionists were, John Douglas (Dumfries), John Waugh (Carlisle), Gavin Foster (Heathhall), Bob Watson (Torthorwald), Newby Park (Carlisle) and Barbara Fisher (Dumfries).
John Cowan (Kirkcudbright) played fiddle, William Little (Dumfries) played his tin whistle while Madeline and Brian Maxwell (Gretna) played whistle and button key accordion as a duo.

John Caskie thanked the audience for their support, Craig Patterson and the Crichton Golf Club staff for their cooperation and support, the Accordion and Fiddle Club Committee for arranging the raffle and admissions and the local, visiting and supporting players.

A further emphatic round of applause for Johnny Duncan and Keith Lauder brought a great evening to a close.

The Dumfries Accordion and Fiddle Club return to the Crichton Golf Club on Tuesday 3rd December at 7.30pm when fiddle player Roddy Matthew’s and his Tweed Valley Ceilidh Band are guest artistes.

John Caskie announced that the Dumfries Club began in April 1965 which means next year 2025, will be the Clubs 60th anniversary. The committee will meet soon and hope to announce a special evening to celebrate the milestone of 60 years.
Full details to be arranged and announced.