Featured Band – WAY UP

Dumfries band WAY UP are now celebrating the launch of their debut CD ONE MORE TIME. The Album with a mixture of dark intimate songs, bright acoustic work and brooding Blues numbers complete with a soaring instrumental finale is the culmination of several years of planning and recording. WAY UP has, at it’s backbone, lifelong friends Scott Kerr singer, songwriter, studio guitar and Brian “Scotty” Scott bass and acoustic guitar plus a host of other friends and fellow local musicians such as Neil Cockayne, Tommy Hall, Howling Clem Clements, Chris Lord, Linz Henderson and many others who have all contributed to the project.

Scott Kerr said, “we have been asked many times if we would move to various other places in the UK to further our sound but I think it would take an “Act of God” to get us away from SW Scotland. Not only is it our home but with the extraordinarily rich history of Music, Poetry, Theatre etc there is simply no logical reason why we should want to move. Where else can you sit somewhere reading Burns, my favourite poet, and sit where he once was looking at what he saw.

Where I stay I can be in the countryside in less than 5 minutes, the hills within 20 and at the Solway within 15 and every one of these places has certainly inspired my songwriting. I believe the Scots as a people can do deep and dark maybe even melancholy with regard to songwriting as well if not better than many other people and yet equally when we feel the need to dance we can bring that out again as good as any other people in the world too and I believe, or I certainly hope that has been reflected in my tunes.”

Regularly featured on Radio in the USA, Europe and Australia the band combine other personal music projects but get together when required to bring their own particular sound to a stage. Concentrating largely on Festivals in Scotland and Ireland plus with appearances at the NECC Birmingham, live on TV, BBC Radio picking up their songs and with several Net Radio Number 1’s already under their belt the future is definitely on the way up for this band of local musicians.

Copies of the Album can be bought at [email protected] and the band can be contacted at their own web site: wayup.webs.com , Facebook or on twitter @scottkerrwayup