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Nona Lou's
Nona Lou’s

17 year old songstress and self taught ukulele player Zoe Bestel  held a wee celebration to thank everyone who had supported her with the launch of her Brand new album ‘ Sir Lucas and the Moon’ at Nona lou’s in the Old school at dumfries last night (25/4/14)

With a crowd of around 45 guests , that included Family ,friends and media the tea room was rather packed , there was a lot of chatter and banter and noise of Coffee cups and tea cups clinking , But as soon as Zoe started singing the whole room fell silent and focused their attention on her !  Everyone was mesmerised as Zoe started playing the songs from her new album , which included ‘Butterflies’ a song she described to us as one that she had written in her garden at home , while watching butterflies flutter around a bush , and she wondered if they mate for life like swans and Penguins  do !

She also Played one of my Personal Favourites ‘Winter Song Reprise ‘ which Robert shields form Finding Albert  accompanied on Keyboard , Plus Michael from FA also joined in on another song with his guitar  .


Although the event was Invitation only , For The First time the evening was being Live streamed on the Internet for the world to see , by Brand new Local Comapny DM Eventum , DM Eventum is a new event management and event consultancy company for Dumfries and Galloway . There were also Video cameras recording the evening and quite a few Press photographers including our very own R.B Photography there taking loads of pictures , But Zoe seemed to just take it all in her stride . In the couple of years that i have got to know Zoe and her family , it is fantastic to see her confidence building , not only in handling the press attention , but also in the way she interacts with her crowd .


The Whole evening was a total success , and everyone seemed to really enjoy the intimate surroundings and gig . Zoe had a lot of thank yous to give , and to finish the evening off she sang 3 songs for an encore , which included a cover of Dolly Parton’s  ‘Jolene’ a cover of an Amy McDonald track , and a hit off Zoe’s first EP that she wrote when she was the ripe old age of 13 ’35 Missed calls ‘. the perfect ending to a perfect evening .


DGWGO would like to wish Team Bestel all the best for the future , we have a feeling it will be very bright indeed , and we would like to thank them for inviting us along last night !


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If You would like to buy or download  Zoe’s Album Click this link for more info http://zoebestel.co.uk/


Pictures and video ( not including album covers) taken by R.B Photography exclusively for DGWGO