
Moniaive Ale and Music Festival, 30th and 31st August 2013


Marking the end of the village’s vibrant summer festival season, the last weekend of August played host to the Moniaive Ale and Music Festival. The event was hosted by the Craigdarroch Arms Hotel who, in promoting the event, floated the tantalising promise of an entire weekend of free music and camping, coupled with the tagline, “all you need is beer money”! Presumably to sample some of the 50-odd real ales they had on offer at the outdoor bar.

The festival kicked off on Friday night with, “Heart of Rust”, a locally-based Neil Young tribute act. Starting on a high – Heart of Gold – the band eased through some of Mr Young’s more languid numbers, providing a chilled out vibe as darkness fell upon the rather perfectly appointed courtyard stage. Much like Neil Young’s career, the set gradually evolved towards louder guitars and fuzzier feedback, accompanied by eerily convincing vocal. Also staying true to their idol, the band delivered an extremely long set!

Next up were Monkey Shoulder, fronted by Moniaive resident Ralph Yates-Lee. Confidently strutting their way through some low-down dirty rock’n’roll, the band upped the tempo of the evening with clanging guitars – tinged with both blues and grunge influences – and melodic lighters-in-the-air anthems.

Friday night was concluded by headliners, another great Dumfries and Galloway asset, Scruffy Buzzards. Unleashing drive and energy onto the stage, the Buzzard’s folk-infused roots-laden rock had the remaining crowd jumping, but unfortunately all came a bit too late. A schedule over-run earlier in the evening, twinned with a strict curfew, meant that their set had to be cut short. A great shame for all those to waited up late to see Scruffy Buzzards, but hopefully they can be encouraged to come back and play a longer set in Moniaive sometime soon.

One of the real stars of the weekend was the festival venue. Transforming beer garden onto a mini outdoor arena was a masterstroke by the Craigdarroch (albeit one that got lucky with the rain gods!). With tarpaulin-covered stage surrounded by coloured lights and day-glo trees, numerous fire-pits, stone pizza-oven and beer-laden bar, the self-contained festival site came to life.

Following a day of courtyard acoustic sessions, folk and spoken word, Saturday night was kick-started by Dumfries upstarts, Ammonium. In true punk style, the band spent their afternoon foraging for kit before exploding onto the stage, unleashing noisy grunge to wake the gathering crowd.

Next on the bill was Neil McLarty, singer and guitarist with superb Leeds power-pop outfit, Gojin-Go, to deliver a solo and acoustic set of songs that had never previously been performed in either solo or acoustic form. This task was fulfilled to excellent effect. With one foot firmly rooted in West of Scotland indie melancholy and the other drowning in twangy Americana power-pop, Neil’s set of self-penned material (usually wrapped up in feedback and electric guitar) is all about the songs. An exiled Moniaiver, Neil says he’s chuffed to be playing the village. And we’re glad he came.

Continuing the vibe of acoustic charm and Americana influenced strains, The Oystercatchers are next to perform. This is their first show with two new guitarists; this works, the performance is crisp and fresh. This band thrives on the strength of the vocal performance, in particular the startling close harmonies from singers Jade and Gerry, melodic lines that wrap around each other and noticeably draw people towards the stage. Their set is a mix of traditional American song, bluegrass, roots and country, and original material which never once sounds out of place alongside classics like Elvis’s, “That’s Alright Mama”.

Next up, my band, Lucien’s Ghost. Our bandmates arrived from Glasgow and the Borders on Saturday afternoon to squeeze in only our third rehearsal so, by the time we took to the stage on Saturday night, it still felt we were flying-by-the-seat-of-the-pants. However, we managed to get through it unscathed, I can’t complain about the feedback we received and, in my opinion, our guitarist, bass and drummer (Michael, Craig and Rufus) were superb! In between some of our own songs, we performed covers by David Bowie, The Eels and a version of “Small Town” by Lou Reed and John Cale; always a little risky in Monaive!

And with that, we finished up just in time for my personal highlight of the weekend, the utterly magnificent, completely legendary Scottish-ska superheros, The Amphetameanies. Cramming neatly onto a stage made for far fewer, team ‘Meanie delivered – as ever – a set of flawless classics to an instantaneously filled and bouncing dance-floor. The perfect headliner, their tidal-wave of a set seems to be over in minutes, but ska hung in air as festival stragglers and campers gathered around campfires for the remainder of the evening.

The Ale and Music Festival, showing far greater stamina than I, continued into the Sunday with an afternoon session featuring laid back dub, ska and reggae beats from Eazy Skankin’, featuring a set from Moniaive-based dubstep programmer, DJ, composer and trailblazer, Suspek6. Unfortunately the excesses of Saturday night kept me away from this one, but I’m reliably informed by all involved that it closed the weekend brilliantly.

So, Moniaive festival season is over for another year, but it most certainly ended with a bang! The Craigdarroch Arms Hotel provided a great setting and a fantastic line up, so many thanks to them, as well as to Lance Stewart and John Dinning for taking care of the sound, stage and lights all weekend.


Mike Staples

Charity Abseils at the Mull of Galloway

Alison Smith of Galloway Media (and our roving reporter) went along to the 2013 Sponsored Abseils which took place at the Mull of Galloway at the weekend. The abseils were  in support of Macmillan Cancer Support and kindly put together a wee report and some images.

You can see many more of Alison’s Images at her Facebook Albums
There were showers and grey sky at times during the day but it didn’t seem to put anyone off and when the clouds cleared and the blue sky returned I can imagine the views from the top were incredible
This is a Bi annual event and is organised by the Stranraer Committee of the Macmillan Cancer Support.  Over the years a considerable amount of money has been raised from the abseil, all of which has been used within the Dumfries and Galloway area.


Alison Smith

Feautured Chef – Mike Calder

Swan on the Quay, Kingholm Quay, Dumfries, DG1 4SU – 01387 253756

mikeWith honest home cooked pub farye, real ale, comfortable surroundings and a relaxed atmosphere Swan on the Quay is the newest Gastro Pub in Dumfries. The Swan at Kingholm Quay has been renamed Swan on the Quay and is now offering a new menu along with Real Ale, new wines and table service in a relaxed atmosphere. The menu is still home to some of the classic favourites but with some welcomed additions. Customers old and new are loving our new interpretation of a scampi basket!!! How does an edible basket sound?

Angela McIntyre, previously Venue Manager at Easterbrook has taken the lease to the business and whilst keeping all the existing staff she has added a few new team members including the recruitment of a new chef. Mike Calder, who is new to Dumfries, has a wealth of Gastro Pub (Food Lead Pub) experience and is enjoying getting to know the local suppliers who, for him, are vital. He is passionate about great pub food served with a twist and believes that local produce is a key to that success. He is growing a reputations for serving fish that is sourced from the Solway and prides himself on the sea bass being served as part of his list of additional specials. The new menu that he has created is prepared on site and classic to honest pub food. It includes beer batter haddock, triple minced beef in his hand-made burgers and of course pies and Sunday roasts. The desserts are also home-made and, in the words of a recent dinner….. the best sticky toffee pudding ever tasted!!

Mike childhood seen him living in a various countries all over the world which he believes has developed his passion for food and allowed him to experience, first hand, a number of different cuisines and cultures. From and early age Mike studied home economics at school which was fairly unorthodox back then but he had a real interest in baking and food prep and was not put off by the comments of his peers. He has had a career in hospitality since 1997 and this has seen him working in busy gastro pub and also some branded outlets. He is quick to tell us he is happiest preparing, in his words “honesty home cooked pub food” rather than frozen or commercialised meals. A menu of good quality unpretentious food well prepared and value for money is what he and Angela are aiming for. In 2008 he had the privilege of working as part of the team at “Flemish weaver” where he won an award for organic locally sourced foods on the menu. This is something he aims to also develop at Swan on the Quay…… watch this space for a supper club which is being developed with a local producers focus…..

Mike is also working on Christmas menus, a new winter menu and lunch time offers for the busy diner who have to stick to 1 hour lunch times……. Like the pub on facebook for updates, swan on the quay.

No need to book at the pub simply come along and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere 7 days of the week for lunch from 12 till 2.30pm and supper from 5pm till late!

[column width=”1″ place=”none” ][headline]Recipe: Crab Beignets, Swan on the Quay style [/headline]

1kg/2lb 4oz crab meat, brown and white
25ml/4.5fl oz cold water
50g/2oz butter, diced
75g/2 ¾ oz plain flour
2 free range eggs
Chopped chives
Lemon zest
Vegetable oil for deep frying
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


  • Put the butter and water in a pot and bring to the boil, boil for 2 mins
  • Remove from the heat and add all the flour together and beat well until the mixture is smooth and well combined. It should come away from the side of the pan
  • Return the mixture to the heat for 1 or 2 mins until it has warmed through
  • Remove and crack in the eggs, one at a time, beat well between each addition so that each egg is fully incorporated into the mixture
  • Add 2 tablespoons of the white crab meat and 3 of the brown and stir well to combine. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Heat the oil in a fryers or heavy based pot
  • Drop teaspoonfuls of the beignet mixture into the hot oil in batches and fry for 2-3 mins, or until the beignets are crips and golden brown. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside to drain on kitchen paper. Repeat with the remaining beignet mixture
  • Serve warm with fresh rocket, lemon and sweet chilli dip

You can keep up to date with the Swan on the Quay at their Facebook Page

Featured Photographer – Allan Smith

[headline htype=”h4″] Featured Photographer[/headline]

Allan Smith has lived in beautiful Dumfries and Galloway all his life and appreciates the endless photographic opportunities it provides.

Allan developed a passion for photography from a young age and was always keen to make a career from it. He studied photography at college at George Street school of Art in Dumfries obtaining 10 merit passes at HND level and as a result decided to set up his own business. He specialises in wedding and portrait photography but also enjoys landscape and event photography when he can fit it in to his busy schedule.

Allan also likes to help budding photographers take control of their camera and develop their photography. He provides tuition both privately and class based all over Dumfries and Galloway on photography and Photoshop so if you are keen to improve contact him or drop Allan a line.

Equipment used is generally Nikon D series cameras – I have a few, not for any particular reason only it was the brand I started with and once you buy into a system it is costly to change over to another.

[headline htype=”h4″] Featured Images[/headline]

You can see more of Allan’s images on his website and keep up to date on his Facebook Page

Guest Blog – D J Forrest

I live in South West Scotland, in Annan, an industrial town that has seen a lot of change over the years, shops closing, changing hands, more shops closing and sitting empty. High unemployment! So with that thought I set up a website to keep myself amused.

I’m the Editor of Project: Torchwood, an online magazine that is dedicated to the TV series. It’s set out in Pages, uses none of the PDF software and comes out with new issues on the 1st day of every month, and goes off line from the 26th of every month to allow for updates

I have a team of writers who come from all over. ~The Doctor~ John comes from Cardiff and is naturally in charge of Locations, he also works for Showmasters and is currently at Cardiff Comic Con this weekend. 31st Aug – 1st September

~Ianto ~Doreen is a writer of fiction and keeps us entertained with Viva Torchwood, her 40 chapters of a fan fic that is posted a chapter a month. She is from Berlin, Germany. Her work is translated by Birte Scheider.

(We currently have 4 translators who give their time for free, 3 German and one Russian)

~Dr Owen Harper~ Echo, is from America and is our latest addition to the team, she writes original pieces of fiction, and covers articles relating to the issues, this month we’ve been covering Cyberwomen.

~Toshiko~ Mickie comes from England and is my right hand woman, she’s my PR and graphics designer. Her job covers a multitude of tasks from cover art for the front cover, to all the interviews and the fan fiction covers, including the Mini Series Mitchell. She also covers the Gadgets & Gizmo’s Page adding her own special spin on this with what we have that is similar to the props used in the series.
You’d be surprised at the result. Mickie also covers articles when requested and has conducted a few interviews, one currently with Gary Russell, writer of Doctor Who and Torchwood.

You can read more about us on the About Us Page on the website.

So that’s the team, what do we do?

Project: Torchwood covers every aspect of Torchwood from the ground up. We interview cast and crew, cover the Gadgets and Gizmos used in the series, talk to the writers, actors, props and make up artists, we research the creatures that appeared in the show, give an episode breakdown, cover the music used, cover the fan vids and the fan art, and basically cover anything we can relating to Torchwood. And most recently and with the run up to the 50th Anniversary, we’re now covering Doctor Who in more detail. We also promote new writers of fan fiction, and have a Page dedicated to the fans to promote themselves and what they love about the show – you can locate that in The Coffee Shop.

Recently to promote the website I was interviewed by the Annandale Observer, a few months later and I was interviewed again, this time as a follow up, because I finally managed to get a LIVE interview with Eve Myles who plays ‘Gwen Cooper’ in the series. I visited my first ever Convention at Braehead Arena, Glasgow.

http://projecttorchwood.blogspot.co.uk is the website. You can also find us on Twitter as @ProTorchwood and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ProjectTorchwood

We’re always looking for fans of Doctor Who and Torchwood who want to write for us, or come and comment on an article, or who want to ask a question to a guest, come visit, you won’t be disappointed!

SWNE Scotland Cycle

Many of you followed the progress of our three intrepid cyclists during their 12 day SWNE Scotland Cycle Challenge in July. We’re delighted to announce that they raised over £4,000 pounds, thanks to the many donations received from our followers, local businesses and other supporters.

You can read all about their adventure, day by day, on David Tyson’s Blog, at http://tinyurl.com/qeoj8yc


Featured Artist – Julie Hollis

Cloud 9 Studio Gallery, 165 Irish Street, Dumfries, DG1 2NN – 01387 257411

julie-hollis-cloud9Since laying down roots in Dumfries and Galloway in 1991 I’ve taught in primary schools, mainly in the east of the region. My teaching major was in Art and Design and after qualifying I’d only really dabbled, my time being taken up by a full time teaching job and a family. A health set back took me away from teaching for a few months in 2004 and in that time I started to paint again. It became a therapy and I began to realise that I actually needed art in my life. Gradually I started to spend less time teaching and more time painting until, in 2011, I opened Cloud 9 Studio Gallery on Irish Street in Dumfries.

Cloud 9 is my sanctuary. When we bought it the little shop was semi-derelict and we caused quite a stir as over the course of 18 months we gradually rebuilt it. It became a labour of love.

I do most of my work in the studio at Cloud 9, which is permanently open to the public. I find sticking with one media difficult, even a tad boring, if I’m honest. I just love to create so I paint, photograph, felt and make jewellery, amongst other things. That makes me happy, but difficult to pin down and for that I make no apology!

I’m constantly inspired by my surroundings; the light, the sea, the hills, the sky, the clouds, the wildlife – all of these things figure in my work. It’s difficult not to be inspired when I live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world!

Currently on exhibition I have a collection of photographs and paintings inspired by another Scottish holiday during one of the nicest summers I can remember in a long time. Peace and calm reign, with gentle blue waves lapping at sandy shores and cockle shells all in a row! Until the end of September, ‘…And the Living is Easy…’ is open to the public on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays between 10 and 4, sometimes later when I forget to go home…

Find and follow me on Facebook and Twitter as julieoncloud9



Showcase Pro Wrestling in Dumfries

On Friday Night SHOWCASE WRESTLING arrived at the Club at Lochside Dumfries, DGWGO were invited along to see what it was all about . So we sent our roving reporter and very keen Sports photographer Kevin Sloan of KSS Images along for the evening, on his second official DGWGO outing ! This is what Kevin had to say about his evening , and he has shared with us a wee selection of his photo’s from the evening !

American Style Showcase Wrestling: A cracking event held in the Club at Lochside hosted and well organised by Paul Geddes.

On arrival at the club I passed everyone waiting in the stairway feeling excited for the event to start but I must say it was a wide age group it was covering, some of the older fans were more excited than the younger ones! Once everyone was seated waiting on the action to start the smoke machine began and out came the first two wrestlers what more could you ask for a Scotland VS England to kick off the evening. Scotland victorious got the crowd on their feet cheering on as Danny Boy left the stage. There were some crazy moves from all wrestlers including a lot of flying through the air even some use of some metal chairs and a lot of crowd participation as wrestling in the audience seemed to get everyone excited where some of them were egging the wrestlers on and heckling their opponents. Was a great fun night all in all everyone enjoyed the event let’s hope it’s the comeback for wrestling as it has a good following..

The Official results were

Wrestling LIVE @ The Club, Dumfries 30th August 2013

– Danny Boy (Scotland) defeated Mike Musso (England)

– Nathan Black defeated Liam Watson (Caledonian Cup Semi)

– James Scott (c) defeated Jam O’Malley (Caledonian Cup Semi)

– El Technico defeated Solar – Viper defeated Sara – Solar bested 4 others in a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal

– James Scott defeated Nathan Black (Caledonian Cup Final)


Cammy Black Rehearsals

DGWGO Roving Reporter Martin Johnston went along along to a recent rehearsal of Cammy Black, ahead of this much loved band’s appearance at The Vintage Lounge on 6th September 2013

The band are a mix of very differing characters, but as a whole they combine to make some great music, Watch this space all….This is Cammy Black.

Michael has put together a wee report and some images.

‘Working Class Rock n Roll for the New Generation’

After years of bedroom song writing coupled with a burning determination to down tools, 26 year old brickie by day, Cammy Black introduces his mix of the casual and the epic to the world.

Armed with a band borne from studio sessions and coincidence, they have emerged to take the live scene by storm while quickly gathering national interest via social media and word of mouth.

A roof blowing support performance at King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut in Glasgow added to a quickly growing live reputation and immediately secured a headline slot at Scotland’s most coveted live venue.

Debut EP Last Minute Man quickly sold over a thousand copies digitally and sold out its first physical pressing at its launch. Followed up with the live anthem, ‘Wild Eyes’ through digital release, the songs and accompanying videos are gaining massive appreciation from an increasingly global audience.

A new batch of material, recorded in a live environment to capture the spirit of the shows is currently being completed with an intended late 2013 release.

Cammy Black’s plan is to push his working class rock n roll across Scotland and beyond with a band matching his desire to build a long lasting relationship with a loyal and ever growing fan base.


Vocals/Guitar- Cammy Black
Guitar/BV – Russ
Keys – Bryan
Bass – Aymer
Drums – Sandy
Percussion – Fergus

Home – SW Scotland
Created – 2012
Comparisons – Springsteen – Epic Dire Straits

Ecclefechan Seasons Garden Official Opening

DGWGO Friend Anna Louise Adair has very kindly sent us this report and some of her pictures of the official opening of the Ecclefechan Seasons Garden Official Opening which took place on the 25th of August 2013.

DGWGO would like to thank Anna for allowing us to share this with everyone.

Our Community Council received funding from the Leader Project.

LEADER is a bottom-up method of delivering support for rural development through implementing Local Development Strategies. Support is awarded by 20 Local Action Groups (LAGs) and is aimed at local projects with a wide community benefit that show an element of originality or experimentation, where possible, and complement other activities within the Local Development Strategy.

The funding was used to pay for various story boards telling the story of Village Life In Ecclefechan to be put up around the village. With the money that was left over it was decided to revamp the garden next to the village hall, in a way that the Hoddom Primary School Children could be involved .

Sculptor & Artist David Gross went along to the school where the children helped to carve an oak bench see photo below , standing stone sculptures were then designed following the story of butterflies and carved with the four seasons. Nursery school children read a story called “The Boy and the Blue Bunnet” which is a music and words adventure introducing children to Scots and Gaelic music and language from which the quotes on the sculptures were taken from this.

A very nervous but talented Primary 6 pupil, 9 yr old Ciara McGhie read a speech telling everyone how the garden came about, she also unveiled 6 plaque’s telling The Story of Ecclefechan Life these will be displaced in the village hall. Equally nervous Primary 1 pupil, 5 yr old Eisa Rasool unveiled the four seasons garden plaque.Well done to both children !

It was a lovely sunny afternoon well attended and showed true community spirit, where we all enjoyed tea and cakes afterwards. A huge thank you to all who made the garden possible and gave their support on the day.