
Featured Band – Sticks and Stones

Sticks And Stones are a trio of teenagers from Dumfries who describe their music as ‘delicate but dirty folk’.

Sixteen year old Aiden Halliday’s material, and his unabashed delivery impresses with its maturity and conviction, and with Angus Bruce also sixteen on keys and the fifteen year old Peter Wall electric guitar combine to produce a high energy and engrossing sound.

Aiden and Angus have been in bands together since they were at primary school and were joined by Pete when the trio jammed together after an English exam. Aiden and Angus’ first gig was supporting Emily Smith in Drumlanrig Castle and was the biggest, but the Scottish tour where they played in venues like Oran Mor was their best.

Sticks And Stones played Youth beats in 2012 when the sun was going down to a packed crowd which was pretty special as it was a home crowd.

Sticks And Stones will be headlining a Distilled Records showcase, more details of this special free gig will be announced on the bands Facebook page  in the near future…

To hear more of the bands material and to download some free tracks you can visit the Sticks
And Stones Souncloud page.

Distilled Records owner Steve Dowling was contacted directly by Aiden early this year and he was impressed by his approach and his talent so he in turn got hold of the Distilled Records manager David Oldham and the two of them went to watch the band play live in Dumfries. Distilled Records were impressed with the quality of the songs and the way the band worked as a unit and a week later the deal was done.

Sticks And Stones will spend the rest of 2013 gigging and writing before heading into Unit 7 Studios, in Bladnoch early 2014 to start work on the debut album. The band aim to have a great reproduction of the live set but make it sound louder when it should be loud and quieter when it should be quiet…

https://soundcloud.com/stickstonemusic – Sticks And Stones – Soundcloud page
www.facebook.com/stickstonemusic – Sticks And Stones – Facebook Page

www.distilledrecords.com – Distilled Records website

Leswalt Gala 2013

Alison Smith of Galloway Media (and our roving reporter) went along to the 2013 Leswalt Gala. She has kindly put together a wee report and some images.

You can see many more of Alison’s Images at her Facebook Albums

It was a day of mixed weather in Leswalt today with sunny periods then showers but it certainly didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits for the annual gala day in Leswalt in the North Rhins. The Gala started at 1pm and carried on throughout the afternoon until 4pm and took place on Leswalt playing field, in the centre of the village.

There was a very popular Car boot sale with lots of crafts for sale, home made jams, jewellery and bric a brac. Hot food, Donuts and Ice creams were on sale as well as alcohol from the beer tent which was run by the Blue Peter hotel from Kirkcolm.

The “Blue Bombshells” put on a great show for the crowds and during a rain storm too! Stranraer Lifeboat Crew won the Tug O war competition beating the “Blue Peter Kirkcolm Beer Bellies” and the Leswalt team. A pet show with lots of well behaved pooches, pony and trap rides, a snail race and lots lots more kept the crowds entertained. The Kids entertainment were doing the Conga around the parade ring and the kids were loving it.

A great day out for all the family. Tonight there is a quiz night in Leswalt memorial hall with a licensed bar


A few days ago Simon Raine from HM Coast Guard Kirkcudbright , asked DGWGO if we would like to go along to photograph their open day at Kirkcudbright Lifeboat Station , and Joint Excercise with the Royal Navy Sea King Helicopter 177 from Prestwick !

The Excercise was held today ( Sunday 11th of August) at Kirkcudbright Lifeboat Station, near Torrs point ! I headed down at around 11.00 am , and I’m rather ashamed to admit , even though I’ve lived here most of my life , I had never been to the lifeboat station before!

The current lifeboat Station at Kirkcudbright was built in 1890 to replace the old one, which is now a house just above Tesco’s in the Town . The current lifeboat in use just now is an Altantic 85 RIB style , ( Rigid,inflatable,boat) and has two huge outboard engines giving it 230 hp and a top speed of 35 knots, so it can get to emergencies as fast as possible! The crew were amazing today, and would answer any questions anyone asked, and were most willing to show you around the boat , I spoke to Ian and Rodney and Derek , who are all Helms men and they all said the ‘Sheila Stenhouse’ ( the Kirkcudbright Lifeboats name) is an amazing bit of kit, very manoeuvrable in the water, and very safe , with buoyancy assistance to bring water to what ever part of the boat it’s needed to to help it stay on the water and not bounce upside down, because it is so light and fast! The boat also has a self righting aid , just incase it ever did capsize . The boat was commissioned in 2006 , and can carry a crew of 4 , plus passengers that it rescues! Rodney and Derek both told me it is possible to go out on a call with a crew of 2 if they have to , plus there has to be somebody at the station to winch them in and out of the water! I asked Derek how they go about night time Rescue , he told me they have a really powerful lamp, plus they have night time vision equipment ! But they also use flares that light up a massive area, but if they are working with the helicopter the flares can not be used! There was so much to learn and see today , and I asked so many questions , I can’t remember everything I was told, but one thing I will say is , if you ever get the chance to go to a RNLI open day , you should. It makes you realise just how important such a rescue service is in an area like D&G that has 200 miles of coast line!

The crew are always in training , and the boat is taken out twice a month , plus any calls it gets. Rodney told me , that they are always looking for new volunteers to join the crew, and anyone can be trained up to be a lifeboat person, if they are keen and have good sea legs! Especially if they live and work in the town , so that they can get to call outs as quick as possible! If your interested contact the Lifeboat crew on 01557 330425

Also today speaking to Simon and Alan from HM Coast Guard Kirkcudbright , I learned just how much they do as well, just yesterday they were involved with the very same navy helicopter at the Exercise today, to rescue a young boy who had fallen on the cliffs at Carrick Shore , and broken several bones! The Coast Guard were also heavily involved in helping people during the Snow back in march , and help with inshore rescue at lochs and rivers as well as sea rescue .

Finally I got to meet the Navy Sea King Helicopter crew from 177 Prestwick ! This Machine was awesome , huge when you stand next to it! So much bigger than you can imagine! Everyone was given the chance to have a look inside the Helicopter , and see just how special it was! I spoke to the winch man , who is also a fully qualified paramedic , and he is the one that they drop down into the rescue zones all the time, he said he had been flying for 18 years now , but been in the sea rescue for 11 years! The helicopter pilot ‘Mike’ said he had been flying for 16 years, and he loved the job !

After around 45 minutes on the ground , it was time for the Excercise to take place. Just watching the helicopter take off so closely was amazing , but seeing them work as a team with the lifeboat in Kirkcudbright bay , is an experience I will never forget! It was like something you think you will only ever get to see on telly. To see the teams work together, to lower men on the winch , to pick up people out of the water, to see the flares and smoke , and hear the noise , is something that you can not imagine! These men are real hero’s , and we were lucky enough to see them at work in a controlled situation today, but when it comes down to it , if your ever in trouble at see , these are the people you will need! So next time you see a RNLI donation box , just remember , and maybe slot some change in it!





A few months ago DGWGO was approached by the committee from , Youth Fest and Youth Beatz to help them promote their events to the whole of Dumfries and Galloway , as their official online media partner! Well with our experience growing all the time with helping promote local festivals and events we jumped at the chance !

Tonight ( August 10th) I went along to the festival not really knowing exactly what to expect ! Because of the Dumfries Dock Park being closed, the festival was moved to the David Keswick Centre in the town , for the first time! But I have to say , I myself and many other folk I spoke to , including Sid Ambrose who has years of experience running large festivals including the Wickerman, and Eden, thought that the Keswick Centre was a fantastic Venue !

The team at Youth Beatz had given out 12,000 free tickets this year. Making YB the Largest Free Music Festival in Scotland ! Which is something we should all be proud of ! D&G is really starting to create a fantastically strong local Music scene . This evening I spoke with Robert shields from the band ‘Finding Albert’ , Robert said how amazing the music vibe is right across the region now , and how good it is to have Support from the whole of the region from west to east ! He also said even though the Band play festivals all over the country now , it’s only because of the chances they had to play local gigs and festivals like Youth Beatz that got them started and gave them the experience , which has been a huge advantage to them now!

I also got to interview Ali Donowho From ‘Alive Radio ‘ this evening , who also was in total agreement , that D&G is creating something very special ! And the whole of the region has now such a strong influence on the music scene with festivals starting in January with the ‘Big Burns Supper ‘ and going on right through the summer with Comlongon Rocks, Eden, Thornhill Music Festival ,Gatehouse Mid Summer Festival , Kirkcudbright on Song, D&G Arts Festival, Stranraer Park Fest, Moniaive and Portpatrick folk festivals, The International Musicians platform and of course Youth Beatz , and many more! Ali and I both chatted to Local councillor ‘Finlay Carson ‘ who is D&G councils events guru , He Said we was so pleased to see such a great atmosphere at Youth Beatz today, in such a great venue !

The Festival which is Named Youth Beatz because it is aimed at the younger members of the local population , but at the same time has a really good family feel to it . had everything from a massive fun fair , to it’s centre piece , being ‘Wonka Land ‘ this year . Which was a fully interactive experience! Myself and The fantastic Laura Hill ( Dumfries community choir, Theatre Royal) and Justin Hyslop ( Electric Theatre, Big Burns Supper) all got to experience a visit through Wonka Land ! A hard hitting walk through show , which was loosely based on the Roald Dahl story , walked you through tunnels with stop points of live theatre , acted out by local youth groups , teaching you all about subjects that effect the young of today. Including Racism, sexism, bullying, homophobia, Internet stalking , depression , disability and much more! I found it a really thought provoking experience , and it made me realise just how tough it must be to be a kid these days , compared to when I grew up back in the 70’s .There is a lost innocence, not always a bad thing, as modern kids are much wiser than we were, but it does make me a little sad that that niaevity that I grew up with seems to of faded for modern youth!

But the experience tonight wasn’t just about the huge funfair or Wonka Land or all the stalls and food shops , it was about the music ! With an amazing line up of local bands and huge named headliners , there was music for all ! From the sister act from Wigtown ”The Mermaids’ to local lads ‘Dee and Scope’ to Castle Douglas teen hearthrobs ‘ Cloud Nine‘ , local success story ‘Finding Albert’, it went on to headliners , Radio 1 favourite ‘Reece’ , X factors ‘Amelia Lilly’ then chart topper ‘ Professor Green’ to round the night off!

The crowd , young , very Young or like myself Young at heart , seemed to be loving the whole event! And even though I was only there a couple of hours , the atmosphere was amazing , and the event was being very professionally run, with fantastic security and policing , and festival staff! Another event that can be classed as a Credit to the whole region! And one that DGWGO has been proud to support , and hopefully will be involved with supporting for many years to come !

DGWGO would just like to thank Youth Fest and Youth Beatz for their return support to us ,and we thank them for putting our banners up at their events over the last week !


Featured Chef – Nikos At Blackwater


Nikos at Blackwater, 139 King Street, DG7 1DX, Castle Douglas – 01556 504345

By day a Café and coffee shop, by night, an authentic Greek and Cretan Restaurant!

Nikos comes from the beautiful Island of Crete. He has over 40 years experience working in hotels and restaurants in Crete, cruise ships and the United Kingdom.

He moved to England in 2001 and became well known and respected chef in various locations around Lancashire. He started visiting Dumfries and Galloway in 2003 and, together with his partner, Caroline, fell in love with the area and moved here in 2006.

Nikos is passionate about cooking authentic Greek and Cretan food. There are no “watered down” versions sold at Nikos@Blackwater! He says although he’s had years of experience from all over the world, the food he serves at his restaurant, a lot of the recipes came from his Mother. He uses fresh, local produce and a lot of seasonal vegetables and salad items on the menu are from his own gardens. He especially loves the wild rocket and wild radishes that grow in his gardens. His other passion is baking his own bread, it really is delicious. In fact he has made his own clay bread oven in Cross Michael!

Nikos has become quite a celebrity in Dumfries and Galloway, he has featured in Dumfries and Galloway Life Magazine and has taken part in cooking exhibitions for Food Town Days and Flavours Fortnight.

Nikos is an extremely hard working man, and is an absolute joy! He makes sure after each night of work, even if he has had an extremely busy night, that he comes out and greets his customers and makes sure that they’ve had a brilliant night, he is very attentive and just wants the very best for his customers. Another thing he loves to do is host his Greek Mezze Nights, which he has the first and last Friday of every month, where you are able to sample quite a lot of his food, in fact, 14 courses!

[column width=”1″ place=”none” ][headline]Recipe: Tzatziki [/headline]

Serve with pitta bread or bread, or add with chips or fish! 

1 cucumber
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
500g Greek yoghurt
3 drops of vinegar
few drops of lemon juice
100g olive oil
2 teaspoons of salt


  • grate cucumber – by hand or food processor
  • add 2 teaspoons salt, which helps extract the liquid from the cucumber
  • press cucumber in a sieve to extract liquid
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes

Then add to bowl with cucumber, all the other ingredients, mix well, and that’s it done!

You can keep up to date with Nikos at Blackwater on their Facebook Page


Featured Band – The Mix Chix

Yes, we ARE the fantastic female duo you’ve heard about. We are professional vocalists who offer a wide range of covered music from country to rock, dance music to soul and from the 50’s to today’s charts and everything in between. We also provide Ceilidh music if required. We are available for all functions including weddings, private parties, pub, club and also charity events.

Everyone says that the most important thing to make an act work is the chemistry, and boy do we have that… in abundance! Not only have us ladies got fantastic stage presence, we actually can sing, and with the two mixed together you’d struggle finding another act in our league! Our professional attitude and wide array of songs from every decade will ensure to cater for everyone’s musical taste.

We have been singing together for over 27 years (we are sisters after all!!) but professionally for the past 7 years. We are both based in Castle Douglas and as such, we have been performing as The Mix Chix all over the Dumfries & Galloway region as well as up North and down South!!

For the past 4 years we have been regular performers at the amazing Wickerman Festival and this year saw us return for the fifth consecutive time!


We love nothing more than being on stage singing our hearts out and we feel that this comes across in our performances!
We are a two piece band and sing to the best backing tracks online to ensure that a whole “sound” is given be it at a small intimate function or a large outdoor festival!

Please visit our facebook page for much more gig information and contact details 🙂

DGWGO On Tour With Galloway’s Pipe Rockers “The Dangleberries”

As many of you know , I am good friends with local Pipe Rock band ‘The Dangleberries’ , and as they are such amazing ambassadors for the whole of D&G I try to do what I can to help promote them!

Well as a wee thank you for the work I have done for them, they suggested a few months ago, that if I liked I could have the once in a lifetime experience of going on tour with them to the Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival in Inverness. It was the festivals 10th birthday, plus the Band were going to be launching there delayed new album ‘plugged in’ at the festival. But there was a catch! I had to earn my back stage pass, by being a Roadie for the weekend!

Well I thought to myself, it would be an amazing opportunity and fantastic experience, and also a great chance to join the band in promoting our south westerly point of Scotland up in the north eastern corner!

So last Wednesday evening it all began, Firstly I had to go to Dumfries with Andy, the Bands lead singer, to pick up the hire van from ‘Glen Rental ‘at Dumfries Train station. Then we had to take this to Dangle HQ to load it up , with everything from several different drums and Bagpipes to speakers , sound boards, power feeds , guitars , Amps ,tool boxes, microphones and stands , Annie’s tambourine and loads more, everything it takes for the 10 band members and 3 roadies top set up !

As it turned out , my main job as a roadie was to drive this van full of gear from Castle Douglas to Belladrum, on the Thursday , then drive it on the to the 2 gigs that the Dangleberries did on Saturday then bring it home again on Sunday ! All sounded very simple indeed!

Thursday morning at 6.00am we set off, Andy was in the lead with his camper van which is known as ‘Barbie’ , I followed and we both had 2 passengers each in the form of the band ‘Cloud 9’ who had decided to come along for the skite!

Well the journey up was no bother at all, a great journey through the lowlands , saying farewell to my beloved D&G and past Stirling and up into the Highlands. It was no time at all until we had met up with the rest of the band outside Inverness and headed to the caravan site at the festival and set up camp! And believe me, boy oh boy do those Dangleberries know how to camp in style, 10 caravans/camper vans and my hire van drove in convoy into the festival, parked in a perfect line, it was like a D&G street in the middle of a field!

Thursday evening was generally spent trying out the local refreshments, it seems to be tradition that when you’re a roadie you must partake of a few beers, and as I didn’t want to break tradition I willingly joined in the fun! Although on Friday morning when I awoke in my tent, I was feeling slightly delicate! But after a large fry up cooked by Andy (aka ‘Smug’ I can Camp better than anyone ‘smith’) and then a solar shower, (rather cold but very much needed) I was ready for the Friday party to start. Friday was spent doing the roadie tradition of drinking beer again, but also watching some amazing bands including The straits (used to be dire straits) ,The 1975 , Dougie Mclean, and Peatbog faeries,Twin Atlantic and many more ! Much fun was had, much food eaten and all in all it was a great day. I spoke to lots of people, and talked about the band ,about D&G about the Wickerman festival that was held in D&G the weekend earlier. I handed out loads of DGWGO business cards, and tried my best to encourage as many folk as possible to come to Dumfries and Galloway for a visit!

So before I knew it it was Saturday , the big day , the Dangleberries were on the main stage at 2.50 pm to do a 45 minute set then they were also doing a special guerrilla gig , up by the main bar at 6.00pm . My duty was to get the gear to the main stage on time, help unload and reload then to get it across the festival site and up to the guerrilla gig before six! All in all it went quite smoothly, and I really enjoyed the experience. A few wee stressful moments with overzealous security, but we got there in the end, got set up. And the main stage set blew me and the 8000 strong crowd away!

Those Dangleberries are Super stars up in the north, folk love them up there, the crowd was chanting their name, and you could feel the excitement coming off them! I was given the chance to photograph the whole thing, and took over 1000 pictures of band and crowd! I have known most of the band for many years. But it’s so funny seeing your friends being worshipped and asked for autographs, I seen some of the band signing body parts as well as t shirts, cd’s bits of paper and goodness knows what else ! If the Bella drum Crowd didn’t know where Galloway was before that set, they all do now! What amazing PR the Galloway Pipe rockers do for our Region, I was very proud to be a part of it! As for the guerrilla gig they did up by the main bar, well it was a way for the crowd to really feel as though they were part of the whole Dangleberrie experience, Annie was dancing with the crowd And the crowd of thousands again could just come right up to the band as there was no fence, but it was all so happy and well-mannered and relaxed! It was a great atmosphere, and really good to see so many happy faces enjoying the Music and the banter!

Later in the evening we had a meal in the Artists area, sitting in amongst the likes of ‘Tim Booth’ the lead singer of ‘James’ who were the Saturday night headliners , (and no he didn’t sit down sit down, sit down next to me lol)

The Party was over all too soon, it was Sunday morning, and time to pack up camp , although it did take 2 hours to get off site , and it was a long slow journey home, it was fantastic to see the sun shining over D&G as we approached ! To sum up my weekend as a Roadie, all I can say is in the words of Fenzo, lead guitarist with the Dangleberries ‘ROCK AND ROLL BABY’. What a fantastic weekend with a fab group of friends, I was very proud indeed to be part of such an amazing experience. Although it has taken me 3 days to catch up on my sleep! Thank you to all of the Band and regular Crew for putting up with a novice roadie and teaching me so much about life on the road!

The Dangleberries brand new album is now available to order as a CD or download


Dumfries Show 2013

Martin Johnston of Dumfries went along to the 2013 Dumfries Show and has kindly allowed us to share his pictures.

Thanks Martin

Portpatrick Air Sea Rescue Demonstrations

Alison Smith of Galloway Media (and our roving reporter) went along to the Air sea rescue Demonstrations by Portpatrick Lifeboat, Stranraer Lifeboat, Search and rescue Helicopter and The Coastguard. She has kindly put together a wee report and some images.

You can see many more of Alison’s Images at her Facebook Albums

This afternoon in Portpatrick we had the the Air sea rescue Demonstrations by Portpatrick Lifeboat, Stranraer Lifeboat, Search and rescue Helicopter and The Coastguard.

This is the first year the Portpatrick Lifeboat, the John Buchanan Barr, has taken part in this demonstration as last year it was involved and called out to a real life rescue instead. This year the SAR Helicopter could not make it as they too were called out to a real live rescue.

All in all it was a very impressive demonstration from all involved.

Portpatrick Raft Race for Lifeboat Week 2013

Alison Smith of Galloway Media (and our roving reporter) went along to the Raft Race and has kindly put together a wee report and some images.

You can see many more of Alison’s Images at her Facebook Albums

A beautiful sunny evening in Portpatrick and the crowds were gathered for the annual Raft Race. A great event and Lady Shear won the ladies raft race – very well done and well deserved tothe girls who donated some of their winnings to the RNLI and the rest to the Ladyshear charities.

Alison Smith