1,500 Vehicle Limit For Portrack, The Garden Of Cosmic Speculation Open Day

After massive crowds descended to Dumfries and Galloways most stunning and secret garden, ‘The Garden of Cosmic Speculation’ at Portrack House near Hollywood last year (2017), on the only day the Garden opens to the public, a limit of 1,500 parking spaces and a new one way system are being introduced this year for Sunday 6 May 2018, 11am – 5pm 

Event organisers said “Admission is via prepaid ticket only. Many more people than anticipated came to the 2017 garden opening and we have therefore had to introduce a car parking limit (1,500 vehicles) in an effort to keep the traffic moving through the small lanes around the private Estate.”
They Continued “There are 1,500 car parking spaces available so 1,500 car driving adults ,but over and above that another 2,000 adult tickets and anywhere up to a 1,000 children’s tickets will be available for the passengers.
It is really the cars and the parking that are the problem and by managing and limiting the car numbers, we hope to eliminate the problems of last year . There is also a new one way system in place this year.”
The tickets have been available from 1st February at Eventbrite.


Please note that the garden is not open to the public at any other time. The Upper Nithsdale Pipe Band will perform (weather permitting). Crawick Multiverse, also designed by Charles Jencks, will be open the same day.”

Forty major areas, gardens, bridges, landforms, sculpture, terraces, fences and architectural works. Covering thirty acres, The Garden of Cosmic Speculation uses nature to celebrate nature, both intellectually and through the senses, including the sense of humour. A water cascade of steps recounts the story of the universe; a terrace shows the distortion of space and time caused by a black hole; a “Quark Walk” takes the visitor on a journey to the smallest building blocks of matter and a series of landforms and lakes recall fractal geometry.

Ticket Info –

Sunday 6 May, 11am – 5pm (2018)
Admission £10.00, children free. Drinks and food available, dogs must be kept on a lead at all times.
60% of the ticket money will go to chosen charity Maggies Centre.
Purchase tickets HERE 


Parking is in the fields adjaced to the gardens and will be clearly signed from the A76.  Please wear sensible footwear as it can get very muddy in the car park and gardens. The garden opening is one of the most popular in the SG calendar, so please bear with us during busy times. We would like to make sure that everyone is parked safely.

You may bring a dog to the garden. It must be kept on a lead at all times and any dog mess must be cleaned up by the owner.

Teas, coffees, scones and cakes available, no hot food.

The Upper Nithsdale Pipe Band will perform at 1.30pm and 3pm near the teas, weather permitting.


Hollywood one and a half miles off A76, five miles north of Dumfries.

Disabled Access
There is limited disabled access through some paths, but others may be too sleep or slippery. There are no disabled toilets.

All Photos Copyright R.B photography , Info supplied by  http://www.scotlandsgardens.org


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