Celebrate Autumn at Ellisland Farm

A September harvest supper and “pick all the fruit you want” event are among the Autumn highlights at Robert Burns Ellisland Farm this year.

The only home built by Robert Burns himself will charge just £5 to “pick all you want” from the historic orchard this Saturday 12.30pm – 4pm and Sunday from 11am to 4pm.

Apples were Burns’s first crop when he came to farm in Dumfriesshire and the orchard at Ellisland has plenty of fruit this year.

A musical “harvest supper will take place on Saturday 17 September featuring entertainment from Coograss, Lee McQueen and Young Burns talent.

The late afternoon/early evening ticketed event includes a buffet supper. Jane Brown will perform her hilarious Address to the Tattie, in keeping with the harvest theme.

Autumn will conclude with a Scottish Halloween Celebration on Sunday 29 October. Aimed at all ages, the day will include traditional games like apple dooking. It is part of the Wild Goose Festival programme.

There will be a “best guiser” contest for children, a clootie dumpling competition for all ages and much more.

Tickets for the harvest supper can be purchased from the Dumfries Midsteeple Box Office, at Ellisland, or online from the Ticketsource website.

The direct link is here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/ellisland-farm/harvest-supper-with-music/2022-09-17/16:30/t-xmmaaje

Those coming to the Pick All You Want event should bring their own bag. The £5 cost must be paid in advance in cash. All proceeds go to the charity, Robert Burns Ellisland Trust which safeguards the site.


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