Join In Cycling Dumfries’ New Year’s Day cycle ride

Start 2020 as you mean to go on, with Cycling Dumfries’s annual New Year’s Day bike ride from Dumfries to Caerlaverock.

Whether you’re already a regular winter cyclist or you’ve resolved to get out a bit more in the new year. Maybe you even have some new cycling goodies to try out. Or if you’ve just
overindulged over the holiday season and want to start to burn off the excess – clear out the cobwebs and hop on your bicycle.

So, on New Year’s Day, please join Cycling Dumfries for a ride to Caerlaverock for a reviving hot soup, and then home again. Meet at 11 am at the Whitesands end of Devorgilla Bridge on Wednesday 1 st of January, for a gentle paced ride of around 20 miles.

Cycling Dumfries are running a series of winter rides. To see the schedule, or for more
information visit or email [email protected].

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