Dumfries Museum Over The Moon With Latest Exhibition

An exciting new exhibition opens at Dumfries Museum this month. “Space: Fact and Fiction” explores a brave new world of science facts and takes a giant leap into science fiction and opened on Saturday 9 September, running to Saturday 18 November.
Throughout history the human race has been fascinated with the sun, the moon and the stars. As the oldest of the natural sciences, astronomy has been linked with religion, mythology, and astrology from prehistory to modern times.

Visitors can discover the story of our moon and solar system, how space technology has evolved and how astronauts live in space. This is contrasted with how space has been portrayed on the big screen, both the fact and the fiction. The exhibition also looks at the role of local organisations and people, from the establishment of Dumfries and Maxwelltown Astronomical Society in the 1830s, to the part played by Dumfries born Robert Waland in enabling the first lunar landings and the much more recent creation of the Galloway Dark Sky Park.

Councillor Andy Ferguson, Chair of the Council’s Communities Committee, said;

“As the autumn approaches and the days get shorter, this exciting exhibition gives visitors the chance to appreciate the huge expanse of space that surrounds our earth. It has something to interest all ages.”

The museum is open 10am to 5pm Monday to Saturday and 2pm to 5pm Sunday
The Museum will be closed Sunday and Monday and 1pm to 2pm Tuesday to Saturday from 1 October onwards.

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