The Extreme Stunt Show Live in Dumfries

A month ago DGWGO was told about the amazing Extreme Stunt Show Live and that it was coming to Dumfries. We were asked if we would like to help promote it! So being very keen on trucks, bikes and anything that moves at high speed – we jumped at the chance!

The Extreme Stunt Show Live team kindly gave us 10 family passes to give away (enough free tickets for 40 people) and they agreed that we could also offer you exclusive two for one coupons.

So, we got to work on creating a competition for you to all enter and set up the exclusive coupon offer. Well, we have never had a response like it! – we had literally hundreds of entries for the tickets and an amazing 120 coupons were printed off from the DGWGO website!

For those if you that missed it The Extreme Stunt Show Live is a brand new show of endless stunts, currently touring the UK, which has been designed to impress. It is a fast moving combination of freestyle motorcross riders (including FMX competition riders Dave Wiggins and Josh Grinford), BMX riders, stunt buggies, stuntmen routines and of course the 2000 bhp monster trucks (our favourite)

Even though it was slightly wet after a days rain, they still went ahead and gave the crowd a show that was one of the biggest and noisiest things Park Farm Showground has seen for a while!

A large crowd gathered around the arena, wee kids, mums, dads and grandparents – they all seemed to love the live show and it was stunt after stunt. From quads, jeeps on two wheels, to men on fire, motor bikes and beach buggys jumping over cars, motor bikes doing freestyle jumps over 40 to 60 foot wide gaps. BMX Stunt Riders, Motor bikes flying through fire, then of course the 2 massive 2000 bhp monster trucks ripping up the grass, driving over piles of cars, the noise was awesome and the crowd of all ages was loving it !

I was lucky enough to be there to take photos and was accompanied by a friend of DGWGO’s David Slater who filmed the below video.

Also I got to meet and speak with several of our competition winners, all of which really enjoyed the whole experience too! It was great to see such a good turn out of people to support this event, and hopefully it will encourage more large shows to come to D&G for us all to enjoy!

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the competition.