
Galloway Mammals – They live amongst us

The Galloway Glens Scheme has been supporting the South West Scotland Environmental Information Centre’s ‘Mammals at Home’ project in recent years, with camera traps being installed up and down the Ken/Dee valley to capture footage of mammals – some of whom might be seen by us regularly and others less so!


This event on 25th January – delivered in hybrid format with attendees either in person in the Balmaclellan Smiddy or Online – will give an overview of what these cameras have found and will look further into what we know about the habits and activities of mammals in Galloway and further afield. From badgers to otters, and from red squirrels to pine martens!


The event consists of two main sections. Peter Norman from SWSEIC will first of all give a report on the findings of the ‘Mammals at Home’ project, including some video clips of the mammals in action. Graeme Wilson, from GW Ecology, will then – using a series of props and artefacts – give a behind the scenes view of mammalian life. It promises to be an informative but also good fun event!


For more information about event and to book your ticket, either online or to attend in person, visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/they-live-among-us-mammals-in-galloway-tickets-433536468247.


Peter Norman, from South West Scotland Environmental Information Centre, said:

“It’s been a fascinating few years spying into the private lives of wild mammals in the Galloway Glens. We’ve learnt a lot about their distribution and been entertained by some of their behaviour.
We have footage of 16 species of land mammal, out of the 34 known to be present in Scotland, and 25 known to be present in the Galloway Glens area.”


Graeme Wilson, from GW Ecology (https://www.gwecology.com/) added:

“I am really excited about this event. I like to do something a bit different to engage people and that is exactly what I am planning to do with this event!”


The Event forms part of the Galloway Glens Winter Programme, and will be hosted by McNabb Laurie, Galloway Glens Team Leader. Ahead of the event, McNabb said:

“The Mammals at Home project had two great aims: firstly to give people an opportunity to engage with mammals in Galloway, and secondly to add to the wildlife record of these species.
On the 25th of January we will look back at the project, the cast list varies from Otters to Badgers, and from Red Squirrels to Pine Martens. They say never to work with animals, but Peter & Graeme are planning an event with mammals on the screen and also in the room – this will be quite unlike anything else we have done!
I look forward to witnessing the beauty and complexity of what they found. Only by understanding them better, can we fully respect our mammalian neighbours.”


The Galloway Glens is a 5-year project based in the Stewartry region of Dumfries and Galloway. The scheme is an initiative of Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Environment Team, funded by a range of partners including Drax, the owners of the Galloway Hydro Scheme, and the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The Scheme aims to connect people to their heritage and to support modern rural communities. www.gallowayglens.org.


Formerly known as Dumfries and Galloway Environmental Resources Centre (DGERC), the South West Scotland Environmental Information Centre (SWSEIC) is the local environmental records centre covering Dumfries & Galloway and Ayrshire. The Centre aims to further the appreciation, understanding and protection of the natural environment of SW Scotland by collecting, collating, managing and safeguarding information about the natural environment and providing a focal point through which anyone may access the information. It is hosted by the Southern Uplands Partnership.