Get into Summer: Opportunities For Young People

Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Youth Work Service is giving young people aged 12 – 17 years the opportunity to have an amazing summer by offering a range of free trips and activities starting on Monday 28th June and running every day until Sunday 15th August.

The 7-week programme includes evening ‘Youth Cafes’ delivered every weeknight in towns and villages across the region and will provide free food and refreshments, hang out spaces to meet friends and themed activities such as sports, arts, science and music. In addition to this, our Amazing Summer Camps will offer up the chance to take part in a range of fun and accredited activities over 4 days, that will culminate in an overnight camping trip, packed full of outdoor adventures and activities.

This year, will also see the return of our annual Young Leaders Festival and LGBT Gathering, creating opportunities for young activists and leaders to collaborate and plan for the year ahead, with this year’s theme focussing on Climate Change and Global Activism.

And over in Stranraer, Gatehouse, Dumfries and Ecclefechan, we are delighted to be working alongside the region’s YMCA’s, to deliver a brand-new project ‘Resilient Youth’ that will involve 60 young people participating in a summer long programme of outdoor learning and accreditation, that is being funded by Youthlink Scotland’s Education Recovery Fund.
Finally, keep your eyes peeled for our Amazing Summer Roadshow coming to a town or village near you! Youth Work Services, along with our colleagues in Active Schools and Lifelong Learning are working together to provide pop-up activities in local parks and spaces for children, young people and the whole community, including arts and crafts, music, coaching sessions, food and games!

Councillor Andy Ferguson, Chair of Communities Committee said: “It is great to see the breadth of opportunities provided in this Youth Work summer programme, I am sure young people will really enjoy participating in activities and experiences that can have a big impact in local communities.”
Councillor John Martin, Vice-Chair of Communities Committee added: “It was pleasing to hear about the plans for the Youth Work summer programme. Young people really do deserve to enjoy an amazing summer full of opportunities they can share with their peers especially after COVID restrictions during lockdown, experiences like this can make a significant difference to them.”

If you would like more information on what is available, dates and times of activities, or the link to sign up to what is on offer, please visit our Facebook page “Youth Work DG”; our Instagram @youthworkdg; or our Twitter @YOUTHWORKDG or visit the Youth Enquiry Service website @ where you can book into activities!

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