Gold Panners and Tourists Set to Rush to Moffat for World Championships

The World Gold Panning Championships are to take place in the attractive market town of Moffat, Dumfries and Galloway, between 7th and 12th August 2017.

The Championships are returning to Scotland for the first time since 1922, when they were held in nearby Wanlockhead. The rush is well and truly on to participate in the World Championships and find accommodation as hundreds of gold panners are set to arrive from all over the globe. The competitions will be fierce as amateur and professional gold panners from more than fifteen countries will attempt to find gold from native sand and gravel in a record time for the chance to become a World Champion.

Organisers are determined to make the Championships a great day out for the whole family. There will be children’s entertainment, educational stalls and a free gold panning school during the day, and live music will be available most evenings in the main marquee. In addition, Mostly Ghostly Investigations will be presenting their brand new talk entitled Gold n’ Ghosts where people can discover a hoard of spine-tingling tales from the colourful history of gold-mining.

Richard Deighton, Chair of Moffat Gold 2017 SCIO, said: “We feel very lucky that the beautiful town of Moffat is hosting this prestigious international sporting event. The town has all the services that the event needs for it to be a resounding success. With less than a month to go, the final preparations are being made to welcome our guests from near and afar.”
Councillor Adam Wilson, Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Events Champion said, “The Gold Panning Championships sound great fun for participants and visitors alike. The World Championships will be an enjoyable day out in their own right and make a perfect stopping off point as people make their way to the Edinburgh Festivals this August from the South. The Championships are already demonstrating the huge economic benefit they are bringing to Moffat and the whole of Annandale, which is great news for local people and businesses.”
Stuart Turner, Head of EventScotland, said: “Stuart Turner, Head of EventScotland, said: “We are delighted to be supporting the World Gold Panning Championships as it comes to the beautiful town of Moffat this August. Scotland is the perfect stage for events and the Championships is a great event for both participants and visitors. Whether watching the thrilling competitions unfold, or discovering the region’s rich gold panning history through talks and family fun activities, there is something for everyone to enjoy.”

The event is supported by Dumfries and Galloway Council, EventScotland, part of VisitScotland’s Events Directorate, the SSE Clyde Community Fund, and Minelab, and will celebrate Scotland’s Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology 2017. For more information about the World Gold Panning Championships visit the website HERE
Dumfries and Galloway Council has provided £15,000 of funding to the World Gold Panning Championships as part of its unique Major Festivals and Events Strategy 2014-2018. The Council is delighted to have helped attract these World Championships to Moffat and is providing ongoing advice and logistical support for the delivery of the event and the associated week of festivities. The Council’s in-house catering division, part of Enterprising DG, won the contract to provide on-site catering for all the competitors.

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