Herbal Storytelling Comes to Ellisland Farm, Dumfries

Amanda Edmiston of Botanica Fabula tell tales which weave together plants, herbs and flowers with traditional yarns, facts and her own stories.  She creates an enchanted world to take people into, one that is frequently funny and full of unexpected twists.  She visits Ellisland on 12 May for the first event of the newly formed South West Scotland Herb Group, kindly sponsored by the Herb Society.

Sunday 12 May 2019, 2-4pm

The Herb Society is a national charity which aims to:

  • Increase the understanding and use of herbs for health and well-being
  • Provide information, knowledge and news on all aspects of herbs
  • Bring together all those with an interest in herbs, from the amateur to the professional
  • Provide a worldwide forum for the exchange of ideas and information.

The Society have also provided funding to purchase plants for a new herb bed at Ellisland, though trying to keep the rabbits out of it is proving to be quite difficult!


Alongside the stories on Sunday 12th there will be a display of different herbs for you to discover, and the £5 charge also allows you admission to Robert Burns’ kitchen.  All welcome.


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