Historic Night For Kirkcudbright Burns Club With First Female Speaker

Kirkcudbright Burns Club held their annual celebration of the life and works of our National Bard in Arden House Hotel on Saturday night.

Chairman, President Rev. Graham Finch welcomed members and guests to a full house for the evening. Storm Eowyn had taken its grip on Friday but taking the company by storm was the first female speaker in the history of the Club was Stacy Whan whose contribution to the proceedings was memorable.

The Immortal Memory was proposed by Gordon Mursell, a retired Church of England Bishop. Mr. Mursell held the audience in the palm of his hand with a captivating and thought provoking toast. The Lasses were toasted by James Flannigan.

The Reply came from Stacy Whan. Jimmy Dunlop toasted Agriculture and another farmer Robin Wallace provided readings. Brian Thomson addressed the haggis. Musicians for the evening were Piper George Whan and singer/ guitarist Jim Howard.

Closing the evening’s proceedings was Vice President, Ian D. Swan who proposed the vote of thanks.