The is loads happening at the  Mull of Galloway Experience during August 2016, opening times for the Lighthouse and Exhibition can also be found by visiting their website.

Visitors can climb the Lighthouse every day throughout August up to and including Sunday 4th September. Open from 10am to 4pm daily (last ticket sales are at 3.30pm).

There is so much going on at the Mull of Galloway this summer and the posters and flyers have been attached to this email for you.

Owl Magic
Join the Owl Magic Team on Sunday 7th August from 11am until 4pm. The Mull of Galloway Trust will be hosting this hoot of a day inside the Visitor Centre, everyone is welcome and the event is free to attend. Meet the owls and birds of prey and learn about the lifestyles and habits of these magnificent birds. The Owl Magic Team can introduce you to the birds and you can even have your photograph taken with them as a souvenir of your experience (small charge applies for the photograph).

International Lighthouse Heritage Weekend (ILHW)
The date for your diary is 20th and 21st August. ILHW intends to raise the profile of Lighthouses, Light Vessels and other Navigational Aids, promoting our Maritime Heritage. Many Lighthouses and places of associated interest will be open to the public, and there will be special events at Lighthouses both at home and abroad.

There will be a special event at the Mull of Galloway for ILHW with talks by Northern Lighthouse Board Commissioner, John Ross and a presentation about the photographic journey around Scottish and Manx Lighthouses by Ian Cowe on Saturday afternoon.
Two former Lighthouse Keepers will be joining us on Sunday morning to chat about their life and times at various Lighthouses during their career. Curly Tale Books have something for the children on Sunday afternoon with ‘Treasure Island’ story time by Robert Louis Stevenson. We hope to have a craft market by the Lighthouse on Sunday (weather permitting) and RSPB have guided walks planned during the weekend. Full details are attached and the weekend event is free to attend.

RSPB Update by Robert Conn, Information Officer, RSPB Mull of Galloway
August is a month of transition for much of the wildlife around the Mull of Galloway. Guillemots and Razorbills have all but finished their breeding season and their young have mostly fledged. At this time of the year they are more often seen in large groups bobbing around on the water. Manx shearwater, which breed on the Isle of Man, are frequently seen flying low over Luce bay or the Irish sea. Kittiwakes can still be seen on the cliffs and youngsters preparing to fledge can be spotted frantically flapping their wings in order to build up their flight muscles. Linnets and goldfinches continue to be seen in large flocks feeding on thistles and docks and early migrating birds such as swifts, willow warblers, sedge warblers and blackcaps can often be seen. Other wildlife to look out for in August are the distinctively yellow and black stripped caterpillars of the cinnabar moth feeding on ragwort, burnet moths buzzing from plant to plant, roe deer and brown hares on the heath and porpoise, seals and lions mane jellyfish out to sea.

Coming up in September we have the RSPB Visible Migration Festival on 10th and 11th September, the Solway Vehicle Enthusiasts Charity Road Run on Sunday 25th September and we will be participating in the Dumfries and Galloway Doors Open Day on Sunday 25th September when we will open the Lighthouse and Exhibition to visitors free of charge. Details to follow.

For more information please contact us by Email and you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter. If you know of anyone who would be interested in our news please pass this onto them.