Palnackie Set To Celebrate COP26 With Tall Ship Flag Parade

Everyone is welcome to join in celebrating the collective voices of the coastal communities around Dalbeattie, Auchencairn and Palnackie in SW of Scotland with a programme of joyful participatory activities at an event to be held in Palnackie on October 30th .

Communities have come together to explore environmental issues, and have shared feelings and stories, fears and hopes.  They have imagined, designed and created and now their environmental flags are ready to fly, sending a message for all to see.

Everyone is welcome to join in this free event.

What’s it all about?

Coastal communities and ecosystems are particularly affected by climate change due to the increased risks of flooding from rising sea levels and extreme weather events, human pollution and acidification of the sea from the burning of fossil fuels and the erosion of mudflats, salt marshes, dunes and beaches.

The Tall Ship, La Malouine and the quayside host this celebratory art event. The community designed and made flags expressing and signaling their environmental concerns and future hopes, once hoisted into the ship’s rigging in ‘The Dressing of the Ship’, will carry a spectacular and powerful environmental message. These flags will then travel to Glasgow COP26.



Flag Makers ‘Conscious Consumer Soup’ making. Made with locally sourced sustainable ingredients, onboard the ship.


Flag Parade from Palnackie Primary School, through the village to the harbour led by The Isle of Cumbrae Pipeband

3.45pm ‘

Dressing of La Malouine’ on the quayside. Community environmental flags hoisted into the tall ships rigging.


Hot soup served and ‘Fork to Farm’ food conversations with Abi Mordin from Propagate onboard the ship.

Music from Pete Garnett & Greg Lawson of Moishe’s Bagel.


Warm yourselves up with The Samba Sisters and get ready for


Climactic ‘Lighting of The Ship’

When and where is it?

Event Day #1 is on the 30th Oct 2021 3-6pm

Palnackie Harbour, Dumfries & Galloway,

Quayside of La Malouine, DG7 1PQ

Flags flying at COP26 Glasgow, Scotland

Mon 1-12 Nov 2021 at The Landing Hub

220 Broomilaw, Glasgow G1 4RU

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