Prizes For Guisers At Ellisland’s Halloween Celebration

Witches and bogles will return to the farm where Robert Burns wrote Tam o Shanter as Ellisland opens its doors for a family Halloween celebration on Sunday the 29th of October.


The day includes prizes for the best guisers, apple dookin, traditional music and spooky face painting as the museum hosts a celebration in the spirit of the Bard “wi’ merry sangs and unco tales”

Halloween was originally a Scottish Festival, and many of its traditions originate here. Burns was fascinated by the supernatural and returned to it repeatedly in his work. His epic tale of Tam O’ Shanter was written on the turf path at Ellisland and you can follow the trail where he wrote this famous tale of warlocks, witches and other “hellish legions!”

There will be hot food and beverages to purchase on the day, as well as home baking.  There is also arts n crafts, an unlucky dip and you can pin the tail on Tam o Shanter’s Grey Mare Meg! There will be a roaring fire pit to warm yourself – all to the sound of traditonal live Scottish music.

Young trad group Spectrum will perform in the Tam o Shanter barn at 1pm.

Caitlin MacLeod the Education and Museum development lead for the Trust said that

“ The aim of our Halloween celebration is to provide a fun and an affordable family day out. Building on the success of our similar event last year we will provide more free Halloween games and activities. Get your spookiest or most creative costumes ready and join us for what is sure to be an enjoyable day. ”

“All the money we raise will go to the upkeep of the site”

Halloween at Ellisland is part of the Wild Goose Festival programme.

If anyone needs more information about attending the event or entering the competition the email is [email protected] or call 01387 740426. The event opens at 11am on Sunday the 29th October and will finish at 3pm.

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