Riverwoods: Do Fish Really Grow on Trees?

Riverwoods: Do Fish Really Grow on Trees?

Film showing + Panel discussion: 7.30pm, 8th Feb in the CatStrand

The Fantastic Forest Festival is going down to the riverbank! Continuing the theme of restoration, conservation arts and discussion, Galloway Glens is excited to host a showing of ‘Riverwoods: An Untold Story’. This film highlights the complex relationship between fish and woodlands, asking the question “Do fish really grow on trees?”

Book your free ticket to attend this screening of the film at 7.30pm on 8th February, followed by the chance to put your question to an expert panel: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/riverwoods-do-fish-really-grow-on-trees-tickets-433450109947

Our rivers are amazing resources. They are harnessed for power, used for drinking water and used for recreation. They also reflect our lifestyle receiving everything we pour down our drains or spread on our land and are often undervalued. The much-acclaimed film Riverwoods is narrated by Pater Capaldi and it explores our relationship with rivers and offers an alternative vision for the future. A future where our rivers can once again thrive and become the biodiverse jewels they should be.


Can all of this really be done with a few trees and a change in land management practice? What does this mean to Southern Scotland? How can we translate this vision into action on the ground? As well as offering inspiration and vision the film does, deliberately, leave a few unanswered questions so we have put together an expert panel to help answer questions from the public.


The format for the event on 8th February will be to watch the film, have a short break and then invite questions to the experienced panel consisting of: Kenny Galt, Biologist at Galloway Fisheries Trust; Russ Jobson, Projects Manager at Tweed Forum; Gareth Pedley, Wild Trout Trust and Duncan Pepper, Founder of River Revivers – columnist and rewilder. Nick Chisholm, Galloway Glens Project Officer, will chair the session, putting questions from the audience to the panel. Nick said:

“The intersection between the river and land is a rich environment that is vulnerable to overgrazing and poaching. Naturally, it would often be wooded with species like alder and willow. This habitat could be really important for fish but why? Some of these answers will be in the Riverwoods film but perhaps there are other aspects to consider. For anyone who has not seen the film watching it is a must, a real eyeopener, for those who have already seen it a second watch will teach you more. Add to this our panel of experts who can contextualise the film for the South of Scotland and you will leave the event with more river and fish information than you thought possible!”


The event forms part of the Fantastic Forest Festival. Ted Leeming is leading an Artists Residency looking at the festival as a whole, and will be in attendance eon the night. Ted said:

“Linking this fantastic film to a discussion with such experts is a great way to understand the link between global issues and relevance at a local level. While we need to look at the past and what is happening in the present, we also need to explore proactive solutions for the future. This inclusive forum, with everyone from the community invited to listen and be heard, is how we break down barriers, understand alternative views, build trust, and then work together in partnership to deliver sustainable solutions for the future.
Or you could just come along, grab a drink at the bar and take a seat for what will certainly be a very enjoyable evening in a lovely venue with great people!”


After Do Fish Grow on Trees the Fantastic Forest Festival will continue with more events, details below. More info about the events, and tickets can be booked as follows:


The Galloway Glens is a 5-year project based in the Stewartry region of Dumfries and Galloway. The scheme is an initiative of Dumfries & Galloway Council’s Environment Team, funded by a range of partners including Drax, the owners of the Galloway Hydro Scheme, and the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The Scheme aims to connect people to their heritage and to support modern rural communities. www.gallowayglens.org.

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