Spectacular Jousting Set To Return To Caerlaverock This Summer

Experience exhilarating horsemanship and impressive skills as the brave and courageous knights battle it out at Caerlaverock Castle, in Dumfries and galloway this July. Hear the thundering of hooves and the clash of lances as our four champions take to the arena for this spectacular show. Why not wander through the living history camps and meet some soldiers fresh from battle.

To mark the special 750th anniversary of Robert The Bruce , HES has joined forces with other organisations in Dumfries and Galloway, a region of Scotland of great significance in the lives of Robert the Bruce and his family, with a programme of events including a children’s trail across Sweetheart AbbeyWhithorn PrioryGlenluce Abbey and Caerlaverock Castle, where little ones can also learn about the life of Scotland’s renowned ruler. Caerlaverock Castle will also host the exhilarating Spectacular Jousting on the 27th and 28th of July.


Saturday 27 July 2024

Sunday 28 July 2024

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