Summer Programme: Oasis Youth Centre

The Oasis Youth Centre Management committee are excited to announce their ‘Amazing Summer’ Programme of activities. The committee were successful in securing £15,900 of funding to put on activities and trips free of charge to young people aged 11-17 in Dumfries.

The programme will consist of 6 themed week-long camps and a variety of day trips before finishing with a week of one-off activities and an overnight trip (Covid-19 restrictions dependant).

Our themed activity weeks will run Monday- Friday 1-4pm as follows:
Week 1 and 5: Arts Camp. Try your hand at a variety of art techniques and walk away with your finished pieces!
Week 2 and 3: School of rock. Want to learn to play an instrument or get more practice? Join us for a week of tuition in guitar, ukulele and more!
Week 4: STEM Week. Interested in science and technology? Take part in a week of STEM based activities and learn something new!
Week 6: Beauty Camp. Want to learn some new make up techniques or how to do nail art? Want to get your own make-up kit to take home? Then this is the activity for you! Work with our make up and nail artist for 5 days to learn how to do different make up looks or nail styles.

Every weeknight throughout the 7 weeks of school holidays will see a youth café take place, where you can grab some food, take part in activities or have a place to chill out.
Saturday means trip day! Starting on week 2 join us for 5 Saturdays of days out including M&Ds, Edinburgh Zoo, Fusion Trampoline Park, Bouldover Climbing Centre and Edinburgh Zoo. You MUST be registered a minimum of 2 weeks in advance for these trips to allow time for relevant pre-trip paperwork to be completed.

Finally, end the summer on a high, with week 7 offering a range of activities from a beach trip, to baking and den building and a staff vs young person tournament! Friday will see us head away on an overnight trip dependant on Covid-19 restrictions at the time.

Councillor Andy Ferguson, chair of Communities committee said: “It is great to see the breadth of opportunities provided in this youth work summer programme, I am sure young people will really enjoy participating in activities and experiences that can have a big impact in local communities.”
Councillor John Martin, vice chair of Communities committee said: “It was pleasing to hear about the plans for the youth work summer programme. Young people really do deserve to enjoy an amazing summer full of opportunities they can share with their peers especially after COVID restrictions during lockdown, experiences like this can make a significant difference to them.”

There are limited spaces available due to Covid-19 regulations so please visit our social media pages for the link to sign up! Please note that trips and capacity are liable to change should current government guidelines change before a trip takes place

For more information about what’s on, follow us on social media @oasisyouthccentre or call us on 01387 260243.

For more information about Dumfries & Galloway’s Youth Work Service, please visit: or find them on social media @YOUTHWORKDG.

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