Warning Issued To Dog Owners As Palm Oil Is Found On Beaches At Stranraer

Nuggets of palm oil are being washed ashore on beaches in the Stranraer area. Palm oil is harmless to humans but it can have serious health effects (can be fatal) if eaten by dogs.

Palm oil is a type of vegetable fat derived from palms that is offloaded offshore where it makes its way to our coast lines and beaches. It is fatty and waxy in appearance and is often found in white or yellowish pebbles or blocks along the shore. Palm oil is usually foul smelling and very attractive to our canine companions and whilst it isn’t actually toxic to dogs, it is often mixed with harmful bacteria and toxic substances such as diesel from ships.

Common symptoms following ingestion include vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, dehydration and in some cases pancreatitis – a potentially life threatening condition. Washed up palm oil can also cause blockages within the gut due to its semi solid state. This is classed as a veterinary emergency and could lead to surgical intervention.

Solid palm oil can look like a white stone and can have a “rotten” smell. Be careful #SupportDG

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