Step into the Wild West at Dumfries Oasis this Weekend!

Oasis Youth Centre in Dumfries will re-open this weekend following a busy summer packed full of events, trips and the annual Youth Beatz music festival.

The new Autumn and Winter Programme will kick off with a wild west themed fun day on Saturday 30 September. Young people from Primary 6 to 25 years of age are invited to join the youth work team for an action packed day of live music performances, rodeo bull, wild west challenges and the My Pod mobile youth centre between 2pm and 5pm. Later in the evening, the centre will host a music event for all young people aged 12 – 25 years of age and will include open mic, karaoke and disco, burger bar and competitions.

The Oasis Autumn and Winter programme offers a wide range of projects and activities for young people including a winter pool, darts and dominos league, lunch clubs, music projects, programmes for young parents, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, weekend events and much more.

Councillor Jeff Leaver, Chairman of the Council’s Children, Young People and Lifelong Learning Committee said “The new programme for the Oasis Youth Centre offers a range of opportunities for young people to build their self-esteem and confidence, learn new skills and meet new people.”
Vice-Chairman, Councillor Ros Surtees added, “The choice of projects and activities on offer is great to see and will appeal to a wide audience of young people, providing opportunities to participate in community based activities locally and take part in experiences out with the region.”

The Oasis Centre’s Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Open Centre will be holding an information and recruitment meeting for young people who are in 3rd Year at Secondary School and interested in enrolling for Bronze level awards on Monday 2 and 9 October from 4pm – 6pm. Young people are invited along to find out more about the award and what’s involved.

You can keep up to date with Oasis on our Facebook page or contact the centre on 01387 260 243.


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