Agnew Park in Stranraer is set to be transformed thanks to investment from the Council and the Big Lottery Coastal Communities Fund (CCF). Over £800k will be used to rejuvenate the park with a new cafe, play equipment, lighting and environmental improvements.

A six week consultation exercise with park users in 2013 guided the plans and the public involvement will continue.

The Crown Estate supported the funding application as they were keen that Agnew Park linked in with the proposals to expand the marina and harbour activities, as part of the wider Stranraer Waterfront regeneration.

The Agnew Park project will run alongside the slipway, boatyard, and boatlift projects already underway and will maximise the physical improvements being made to the marina area of the waterfront.

Councillor Marion McCutcheon, Chair of Wigtown Area Committee said
“I am delighted that this funding has been approved by the CCF. It was clear from public consultation that a new cafe as part of the pavilion was a must for locals, as well as making the park a much more viable option for events with a view to boosting the local economy.”

Councillor Colin Smyth, Chair of the Council’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee said
” The transformation of Agnew Park is just one of the projects we are pursuing to regenerate Stranraer, including working with Stena to market the East Pier as a development opportunity. However, we will need national Government and agencies to come up with more funding in the future to match the significant investment commitments being made by the council to really kick start the regeneration of Stranraer”.

Wallace Galloway Council (DG first), Linda Greenhill Council (CLD manager) , John Tarry Community representative and a representative from Agnew Park Youth Group.

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