Dumfries Mart hold 2019 Spring Show and Sale 18/03/19

C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their fortnightly sale of Store Cattle in Dumfries which included their spring show and sale

This years show was sponsored by Soltyre Ltd and professionally judged by David Sloan, who found his champion in the Herries Farms, Lantonside pen with an 11month Limousin x heifer selling at £950 or 271.4p/kg. Best pen also went to Lantonside with Limousin x bullocks realising £1065 or 272.2p/kg. Outwith the show the better end of cattle maintained recent levels whilst plainer types meet some resistance.

257 Store Cattle:

188 Bullocks Ave 206.8p/kg to 272.2p/kg and £1150

132 Heifers Ave 199.4p/kg to 271.4p/kg and £1080

27 Bulls Ave 203.6p/kg to 256.9p/kg and £1080

Bullocks – Per Head

Charolais £1150 Netherhall £935 Cormaddie

Shorthorn to £1105 £1075 £1005 No 2 Tregallon

British Blue to £1085 £1000 Low Glasnick £970 High Auchneel

Simmental to £1070 High Auchneel  £990 Cormaddie £960 Meikleholm £935 Cormaddie £925 Low Glasnick

Limousin to £1065 £1060×2 £1055×2,£1040 £1030, £980  Lantonside £1050 High Auchneel £1040 New Mains £1025 Stockbridgehill

Angus to £1045 Meikle Holm £990, £980, £935 Cormaddie

Saler to £960 Auchenfad

Montbelliarde to £920 High Auchneel

Whitebred Shorthorn to £905 Laghead

Friesian to £880 Boreland

Heifers-Per Head

Limousin to £1080 Stockbridgehill £1045 Tregallon £990 Cushag £950 £910 £905 Lantonside

Charolais to £1060 Netherhall

British Blue to £1050 Stockbridgehill £1000 Low Glasnick £980 Gimmenbie £965 Drumburn £965  £950 Low Glasnick

Simmental to £1025 Abune the Brae £970 Tregallon £925 Low Glasnick

Bulls – Per Head

Limousin to £1080 £1040 £1030 Rashgill

Angus to £1060 Denbieyett

DUMFRIES Young Calves 18/03/19


C & D Auction Marts Ltd held their fortnightly sale of Calves in Dumfries on Monday.

A good show of calves presented to a full ring side of buyers. Trade much sharper, more could have bee sold to vendors advantage.

Bull Calf

Limosuin to £555 £450 x3 Ryes,£450 Lochbank, £395 x3 Barndennoch

Heifer Calf

Liomousin to £425 x4 Barndennoch £400 x2 Ryes

Aberdeen Angus to £295 £275 Barndennoch

Simmental to £290 Lochbank


Next Sale Monday 1st  April 2019 at 10.15am

Contact Alistair Watret 07715 499 320