£2100 Top Price At Dumfries Dairy Cattle Christmas Show And Sale

The Christmas Show and Sale of Dairy cattle was held at Dumfries on Monday, sponsored by David Birch Milking Equipment and ably judged by Andrew Hannah who found both his champion and reserve in the consignment from The Cowhill Trust, Muirside, Dumfries.

The champion, a month-calved Holstein heifer from Muirside sold at £2,000 to D. J. Kincaid Ltd., Slacks and the reserve, a red and white calved heifer, also from Muirside topped the sale at £2,100 to T. & M.D. Beaty, Bigrigg, Egremont who took another from Muirside at £1,880.  Messrs Beaty also bought a prizewinning in-milk Holstein heifer from T.A. & E. Jackson, Guillyhill, Hollywood at £1,800 who sold another at £1,500.  D. Bunting & Son, Midtown sold fresh calved Holstein heifers to £1,540 with others to £1,390 (for a Brown Swiss) and £1,300 from Barsalloch; £1,340 and £1,300 from Guillyhill and £1,310, Fardingjames.

Overall, calved and in-calf heifers and cows averaged £1,480.  Lying off heifers sold to £800 from Ardlamy, Gigha. The next Dumfries Sale of dairy cattle will be on Monday 7th February.


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