£5000 For Top Bull at Ervie Hereford Sale

C & D Auctions conducted the Annual Spring Live and Online Bidding Sale of 44 Ervie Hereford and 6 Aberdeen Angus Bulls at Mains of Airies, Stranraer on behalf of John Douglas and Family on Thursday 11th February.


The rising 2-year-old bulls met plenty of demand with producers looking for the well-bred, umpampered bulls on offer, with bulls heading north to Orkney and as far south as Somerset.

Sale Average £2680                                                 Bulls sold from £1800 to £5000.


Leading the day’s trading at £5000 was Wigbay 1 Index 192671. This outstanding bull was by the polled Danish bull Heart Index 273U and from Ervie Lisette 162114, a top daughter of Ervie LI Achiever 91151H. With top EBV figures of +89 for 400-day weight, +5.3 for Eye Muscle, Terminal Index of +49 and Self replacing Index of +59. He sold to M/S Kelly, Kirkby Lonsdale.


£4200 was paid by Border Breeders, M/S Anderson, Towford for LI Achiever 192633, straight Line One pedigree from the Achievement D family, very stylish with beef values to match.


£3600 was next best and by Ervie L1 Achiever 162044 for Advance 192606 from the Unitarian family, again with high EBV figures selling to M/S Campbell, Galashiels.


£3600 was attained for Advance 192584 from LI Achiever 162152 out of Beauty E991, this one caught the eye of Graham Park, Gretna.


£3400 was received for LI Achiever 192571. Straight Line One pedigree sired by LI Achiever 151966N from LI Achievement 12154D, selling to Wigtownshire producers, Palmallet Farms Ltd.


£3000 Advance 192574, light birthweight bull, with Straight Line One pedigree by LI Achiever 162152 from Cornelia E977, headed north to Blairgowrie with Johnny Mackey.


£3000 Advance 19258 made the journey south to Somerset with M/S Kennen. Strong EBV figures out of a Crocus family cow by LI Achiever 162152.


£3000 Advance 192580 caught the eye of James Campbell, Galashiels, another from the Prolific L1 Achiever 162152, out of the Pansy Family.


6 Aberdeen Angus bulls on offer met plenty of interest.


Leading the way at £4800 was Airies Sam V642 selling to local black baldie producer, Robert Parker.


£3700 Airies Santiago V647 and £3600 Airies Solid Gold V648, both to RKG Farms, Twynholm.


£3600 Airies Solid Gold V644 to M/S Haigh, Yorkshire


£3400 Airies Stan V639 to M/S Bletcher, Flintshire

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