Ayr Show Cancelled Due To Covid-19 Risk

John Barclay,Chairman of Ayrshire Agricultural Association Anouce this afternoon that the 2020 Ayr Show has been cancelled.

John Said “Following discussion with the Directors it is with a very heavy heart that we regret to inform you we have taken the difficult decision to CANCEL the Ayr County Show 2020 taking place on Saturday 9th May at The Ayr Racecourse.
As you will all be aware from the media, the situation with Corona Virus is expected to worsen over the coming weeks.
We have a duty of care to everyone concerned; Directors, Committee Members, Judges, Exhibitors, Competitors, Volunteers and Visitors and do not wish to add to the building pressure the NHS is already experiencing. We feel that we would be neglecting our duty to allow the Show to proceed by having crowds of people in close proximity.
Thank you to all of our Supporters, Sponsors and Advertisers.
Our Secretary Lorraine will be contacting everyone concerned over the next few days; please do respect this will take time. All monies already paid WILL be refunded.
We hope to see you all in 2021 and ask everyone to take care of themselves meantime.”

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