Three student nurses put the arboriculture students at the Barony Campus of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) through their paces when they educated them on healthy eating, diet and fitness.


Lucy Murray, Louise Moodycliffe and Caitlin McNeil, third year student nurses from the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) gave a presentation, and had some activities for the arboriculture students to take part in.


As part of their Fitness for Practice module, the nurses gave an interesting presentation on the benefits of a good diet and keeping active.


It was a very interactive session – with the arboriculture students writing down what they have to eat and drink in a typical day, and discussing the protein and carbohydrates in the food they consume.


Thomas Pollard, one of the Barony arboriculture students, said: “The session was very informative, we all enjoyed it and gained a better understanding on how fitness can affect our work and made us think about how eating a balanced diet can impact on fitness in the future.”


After the theory session, they took part in a 30 minute football game to monitor their heart rates, and discovered how fit they actually were.


Julie Orr, lecturer in UWS School of Health, Nursing and Midwifery at Dumfries Campus said: “Our nursing students work with groups across Dumfries and Galloway as part of their studies, to highlight the positive health impacts of a healthy diet and exercise and raising awareness of how even minor changes can help make a difference. We were delighted to work with our partners at SRUC on this.”


Lucy, Caitlin and Louise added: “We are so thankful to have the opportunity to work with the Barony students, and to be able to have the two institutions working together in a beneficial way. It’s great to be able to have this opportunity and it will benefit us so much in our nursing career.”

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