Barony College Lecturer Awarded For Exceptional Contribution

Tom Karas, a popular lecturer at the Barony campus of Scotland’s Rural College got the shock of his life when he ended up as one of the award winners at the College annual prize giving.
Without his knowledge his colleagues had nominated him for an SRUC award recognising staff who contribute over and above the normal expectations of their role and who deserve wider recognition of their work.
The Sir Stephen Watson Staff Prize, which he received from local SRUC Board member Alistair Marshall, is named after a former Principal of the former East of Scotland College of Agriculture and was formerly awarded to those working in Edinburgh. However, following the creation of SRUC, through the merging of Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge colleges with SAC, it was decided it should apply to all SRUC staff. Winners receive a certificate and a small cash sum.
Tom, who has worked at Barony for almost 35 years, was described by Alistair Marshall as the epitome of a member of staff who not only does his job well but someone who goes well beyond his ‘job description’ for the benefit of others.
“His contributions are valuable to so many people and key to the success of SRUC!”
As a lecturer in the Forestry Department a Barony and Senior Warden for residential students Tom has a busy life already, but also mentioned in the citation were arranging sports evenings and events, including the annual Barony cross-country run; the Christmas Ceilidh; Burns Night Supper, Quiz Nights, Minibus Driver for resident students requesting a visit to Dumfries midweek, Christmas Tree ‘Co-Ordinator ; welcoming visitors and volunteering to man SRUC stands at Dumfries, Black Isle and the Royal Highland Shows.
“The benefits are reaped not only by students, enhancing their ‘Barony Campus experience” said Alistair Marshall, “but also by staff for his kind unassuming nature, his continued attempts to encourage us to ‘keep fit’, his general helpfulness and his welcoming manner to visitors.”
In response Tom said:
“I am delighted and honoured to accept the Award. I have four things I plan to do with it. One, provide a trophy for the forestry student who enjoys the delights of using handtools – The students have nick named me Handtool Tom because I prefer the peace and quite rather than using noisy chainsaws! Second a trophy for the Barony Campus student that puts the most effort into the campus Sporting and Social Club and students association. And third a trophy for the oldest member of staff to complete the annual Barony Run – Old Plodder of the year!”
The rest of the money is going towards a treat for Tom’s wife who has put up with years of him being busy and elsewhere.
 Photo : Alistair Marshall with Tom

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