Barony College Project Goes Worldwide – MoodleMoot


Staff from Barony Campus of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) in Dumfries and Galloway presented their multi-award winning project at the recent Moodle (MoodleMoot UK & Ireland) online learning platform conference.


MoodleMoot conferences are held around the world, with a focus on encouraging collaboration and sharing of best practices of the open source learning platform in which SRUC use for the students online teaching, learning and assessment.


At the MoodleMoot UK & Ireland 2017 conference held in London presenters, education and research practitioners from 31 countries around the world were in attendance.


SRUC’s Ali Hastie (e-Learning Developer) and Andrew Treadaway (Forestry lecturer) were invited to present their innovative Arboriculture Practical Contract Management project –  which included the use of Moodle, Mahara (e-Portfolio) and other technologies such as Drones and GoPro cameras to develop and showcase employable students within an authentic learning experience.


Ali Hastie, who led the project, stated: “It was an honour for both Andrew and I to be invited to present the project to our ‘peers’ from around the world at the MoodleMoot conference. The audience were certainly intrigued, especially when we proudly showcased the Arboriculture students’ Digital evidence of planning, undertaking and evaluating their real client-based contracts.”


For more information surrounding the project, go to online project report: