My name is Luisa Gonzalez and I am dismantling a professional apiary near Dalbeattie – Dumfries & Galloway – because I believe that honey is essential for bees welfare and that they thrive if they are not farmed.

1 a 1 a bee 3I tried very hard to practice sustainable beekeeping for the past four years but simply, there are not enough wild flowers in the region to provide for the bees themselves and additional honey excess for the beekeeper to make a living. From what I hear this situation applies across all Scotland and substantial areas of the rest of the UK. The lack of wildlife spaces does not just affect honeybees. It affects all our country wildlife.

I have hardly harvested anything and I prefer to close down rather than feeding them replacement sugar syrup meal that is the common practice in order to harvest their winter stores.

I think this practice is at the heart of the honeybee crisis. Sugar is unnourishing, lacks medicinal properties, introduces a dramatic change on the moist and Ph of the colony nest, endangers the honeycomb micro flora and encourages diseases.

I am looking to re-home my bees with individuals and groups of carers that would like to let them keep their winter stores on honey and offer them surroundings with enough flowers and low pesticides. Caring people that would like to speak up for their bees.

Caring for bees has therapeutic effects , creates community bonds and gets you to do something outdoors, particularly if, as a bee carer, you get involved with planting flowers and trees in your community to increase biodiversity.

In the near future and primarily among the people rehoming these bees, I would like to create a movement to promote the re-conversion of marginal private land into wildlife sanctuaries/conservation community hubs, raise the awareness of bees welfare as farmed animals and promote a culture of sustainability among the public.

If your interested in taking on some Bee’s please do contact Luisa on 07503576861 or email

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