Organisers of the Cumberland Show issued a statement this morning saying that It is with great regret that the Cumberland Agricultural Society have had to come to the very difficult decision to cancel this year’s Cumberland Show due to be held on Saturday 13th June 2020.

With this week’s news of government measures and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all involved, the Committee feel that unfortunately the only option is to cancel the 2020 Show.

Michael Nicholson, Show Chairman said “It has been an incredibly difficult week for everyone and we have been closely monitoring the situation as it develops to make sure we make the right decision. With the new measures in place, and the scale of our Show it is with great sadness that we have to cancel, but we know it is the only sensible approach for the safety and wellbeing of our community.”
Jill Dunglinson, Show Secretary said “I am extremely upset for all involved that we have had to cancel. Work on the next year’s Show begins right after the previous one finishes and working alongside an amazing committee for the past 8 months to organise this year’s Show, it is hard to take. However, safety is, and always will be the priority. We will push on to ensure 2021 is the best Show ever!”

The Society would like to give special thanks to all our fantastic supporters, including our sponsors, trade stands, competitors and excited visitors. They have been so generous in their kindness, patience and understanding to enable us to work through this week, and we look forward to working with, and welcoming you all again in 2021.

Take care.

Best wishes,

The Cumberland Agricultural Society

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